Source code for keypoint_moseq.viz

import os
import cv2
import tqdm
import imageio
import warnings
import logging
import h5py
import numpy as np
import plotly
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
from import OpenCVReader
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform, pdist
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, dendrogram, leaves_list

from textwrap import fill
from PIL import Image
from keypoint_moseq.util import *
from import load_results, _get_path
from jax_moseq.models.keypoint_slds import center_embedding
from jax_moseq.utils import get_durations, get_frequencies

from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import as pio

pio.renderers.default = "iframe"

# set matplotlib defaults
plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 100

# suppress warnings from imageio

[docs] def crop_image(image, centroid, crop_size): """Crop an image around a centroid. Parameters ---------- image: ndarray of shape (height, width, 3) Image to crop. centroid: tuple of int (x,y) coordinates of the centroid. crop_size: int or tuple(int,int) Size of the crop around the centroid. Either a single int for a square crop, or a tuple of ints (w,h) for a rectangular crop. Returns ------- image: ndarray of shape (crop_size, crop_size, 3) Cropped image. """ if isinstance(crop_size, tuple): w, h = crop_size else: w, h = crop_size, crop_size x, y = int(centroid[0]), int(centroid[1]) x_min = max(0, x - w // 2) y_min = max(0, y - h // 2) x_max = min(image.shape[1], x + w // 2) y_max = min(image.shape[0], y + h // 2) cropped = image[y_min:y_max, x_min:x_max] padded = np.zeros((h, w, *image.shape[2:]), dtype=image.dtype) pad_x = max(w // 2 - x, 0) pad_y = max(h // 2 - y, 0) padded[pad_y : pad_y + cropped.shape[0], pad_x : pad_x + cropped.shape[1]] = cropped return padded
[docs] def plot_scree(pca, savefig=True, project_dir=None, fig_size=(3, 2)): """Plot explained variance as a function of the number of PCs. Parameters ---------- pca : :py:func:`sklearn.decomposition.PCA` Fitted PCA model savefig : bool, True Whether to save the figure to a file. If true, the figure is saved to `{project_dir}/pca_scree.pdf`. project_dir : str, default=None Path to the project directory. Required if `savefig` is True. fig_size : tuple, (2.5,2) Size of the figure in inches. Returns ------- fig : :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure handle """ fig = plt.figure() num_pcs = len(pca.components_) plt.plot(np.arange(num_pcs) + 1, np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)) plt.xlabel("PCs") plt.ylabel("Explained variance") plt.gcf().set_size_inches(fig_size) plt.grid() plt.tight_layout() if savefig: assert project_dir is not None, fill( "The `savefig` option requires a `project_dir`" ) plt.savefig(os.path.join(project_dir, "pca_scree.pdf")) return fig
[docs] def plot_pcs( pca, *, use_bodyparts, skeleton, keypoint_colormap="autumn", keypoint_colors=None, savefig=True, project_dir=None, scale=1, plot_n_pcs=10, axis_size=(2, 1.5), ncols=5, node_size=30.0, line_width=2.0, interactive=True, **kwargs, ): """ Visualize the components of a fitted PCA model. For each PC, a subplot shows the mean pose (semi-transparent) along with a perturbation of the mean pose in the direction of the PC. Parameters ---------- pca : :py:func:`sklearn.decomposition.PCA` Fitted PCA model use_bodyparts : list of str List of bodyparts to that are used in the model; used to index bodypart names in the skeleton. skeleton : list List of edges that define the skeleton, where each edge is a pair of bodypart names. keypoint_colormap : str Name of a matplotlib colormap to use for coloring the keypoints. keypoint_colors : array-like, shape=(num_keypoints,3), default=None Color for each keypoint. If None, `keypoint_colormap` is used. If the dtype is int, the values are assumed to be in the range 0-255, otherwise they are assumed to be in the range 0-1. savefig : bool, True Whether to save the figure to a file. If true, the figure is saved to `{project_dir}/pcs-{xy/xz/yz}.pdf` (`xz` and `yz` are only included for 3D data). project_dir : str, default=None Path to the project directory. Required if `savefig` is True. scale : float, default=0.5 Scale factor for the perturbation of the mean pose. plot_n_pcs : int, default=10 Number of PCs to plot. axis_size : tuple of float, default=(2,1.5) Size of each subplot in inches. ncols : int, default=5 Number of columns in the figure. node_size : float, default=30.0 Size of the keypoints in the figure. line_width: float, default=2.0 Width of edges in skeleton interactive : bool, default=True For 3D data, whether to generate an interactive 3D plot. """ k = len(use_bodyparts) d = len(pca.mean_) // (k - 1) if keypoint_colors is None: cmap = keypoint_colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, k)) Gamma = np.array(center_embedding(k)) edges = get_edges(use_bodyparts, skeleton) plot_n_pcs = min(plot_n_pcs, pca.components_.shape[0]) magnitude = np.sqrt((pca.mean_**2).mean()) * scale ymean = Gamma @ pca.mean_.reshape(k - 1, d) ypcs = (pca.mean_ + magnitude * pca.components_).reshape(-1, k - 1, d) ypcs = Gamma[np.newaxis] @ ypcs[:plot_n_pcs] if d == 2: dims_list, names = [[0, 1]], ["xy"] if d == 3: dims_list, names = [[0, 1], [0, 2]], ["xy", "xz"] for dims, name in zip(dims_list, names): nrows = int(np.ceil(plot_n_pcs / ncols)) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True) for i, ax in enumerate(axs.flat): if i >= plot_n_pcs: ax.axis("off") continue for e in edges: ax.plot( *ymean[:, dims][e].T, color=keypoint_colors[e[0]], zorder=0, alpha=0.25, linewidth=line_width, ) ax.plot( *ypcs[i][:, dims][e].T, color="k", zorder=2, linewidth=line_width + 0.2, ) ax.plot( *ypcs[i][:, dims][e].T, color=keypoint_colors[e[0]], zorder=3, linewidth=line_width, ) ax.scatter( *ymean[:, dims].T, c=keypoint_colors, s=node_size, zorder=1, alpha=0.25, linewidth=0, ) ax.scatter( *ypcs[i][:, dims].T, c=keypoint_colors, s=node_size, zorder=4, edgecolor="k", linewidth=0.2, ) ax.set_title(f"PC {i+1}", fontsize=10) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.axis("off") fig.set_size_inches((axis_size[0] * ncols, axis_size[1] * nrows)) plt.tight_layout() if savefig: assert project_dir is not None, fill( "The `savefig` option requires a `project_dir`" ) plt.savefig(os.path.join(project_dir, f"pcs-{name}.pdf")) if interactive and d == 3: plot_pcs_3D( ymean, ypcs, edges, keypoint_colormap, project_dir if savefig else None, node_size / 3, line_width * 2, )
[docs] def plot_syllable_frequencies( project_dir=None, model_name=None, results=None, path=None, minlength=10, min_frequency=0.005, ): """Plot a histogram showing the frequency of each syllable. Caller must provide a results dictionary, a path to a results .h5, or a project directory and model name, in which case the results are loaded from `{project_dir}/{model_name}/results.h5`. Parameters ---------- results : dict, default=None Dictionary containing modeling results for a dataset (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.fitting.extract_results`) model_name: str, default=None Name of the model. Required to load results if `results` is None and `path` is None. project_dir: str, default=None Project directory. Required to load results if `results` is None and `path` is None. path: str, default=None Path to a results file. If None, results will be loaded from `{project_dir}/{model_name}/results.h5`. minlength: int, default=10 Minimum x-axis length of the histogram. min_frequency: float, default=0.005 Minimum frequency of syllables to include in the histogram. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the histogram. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes containing the histogram. """ if results is None: results = load_results(project_dir, model_name, path) syllables = {k: res["syllable"] for k, res in results.items()} frequencies = get_frequencies(syllables) frequencies = frequencies[frequencies > min_frequency] xmax = max(minlength, np.max(np.nonzero(frequencies > min_frequency)[0]) + 1) fig, ax = plt.subplots(), frequencies, width=1) ax.set_ylabel("probability") ax.set_xlabel("syllable rank") ax.set_xlim(-1, xmax + 1) ax.set_title("Frequency distribution") ax.set_yticks([]) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_duration_distribution( project_dir=None, model_name=None, results=None, path=None, lim=None, num_bins=30, fps=None, show_median=True, ): """Plot a histogram showing the frequency of each syllable. Caller must provide a results dictionary, a path to a results .h5, or a project directory and model name, in which case the results are loaded from `{project_dir}/{model_name}/results.h5`. Parameters ---------- results : dict, default=None Dictionary containing modeling results for a dataset (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.fitting.extract_results`) model_name: str, default=None Name of the model. Required to load results if `results` is None and `path` is None. project_dir: str, default=None Project directory. Required to load results if `results` is None and `path` is None. path: str, default=None Path to a results file. If None, results will be loaded from `{project_dir}/{model_name}/results.h5`. lim: tuple, default=None x-axis limits as a pair of ints (in units of frames). If None, the limits are set to (0, 95th-percentile). num_bins: int, default=30 Number of bins in the histogram. fps: int, default=None Frames per second. Used to convert x-axis from frames to seconds. show_median: bool, default=True Whether to show the median duration as a vertical line. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the histogram. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes containing the histogram. """ if results is None: results = load_results(project_dir, model_name, path) syllables = {k: res["syllable"] for k, res in results.items()} durations = get_durations(syllables) if lim is None: lim = int(np.percentile(durations, 95)) binsize = max(int(np.floor(lim / num_bins)), 1) if fps is not None: durations = durations / fps binsize = binsize / fps lim = lim / fps xlabel = "syllable duration (s)" else: xlabel = "syllable duration (frames)" fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(durations, range=(0, lim), bins=(int(lim / binsize)), density=True) ax.set_xlim([0, lim]) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel("probability") ax.set_title("Duration distribution") ax.set_yticks([]) if show_median: ax.axvline(np.median(durations), color="k", linestyle="--") return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_kappa_scan(kappas, project_dir, prefix, figsize=(8, 2.5)): """Plot the results of a kappa scan. This function assumes that model results for each kappa value are stored in `{project_dir}/{prefix}-{kappa}/checkpoint.h5`. Two plots are generated: (1) a line plot showing the median syllable duration over the course of fitting for each kappa value; (2) and a plot showing the final median syllable duration as a function of kappa. Parameters ---------- kappas : array-like of float Kapppa values used in the scan. project_dir : str Path to the project directory. prefix : str Prefix for the kappa scan model names. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the plot. final_median_durations : array of float Median syllable durations for each kappa value, derived using the final iteration of each model. """ median_dur_histories = [] final_median_durs = [] for kappa in tqdm.tqdm(kappas, desc="Loading checkpoints"): model_dir = f"{project_dir}/{prefix}-{kappa}" with h5py.File(f"{model_dir}/checkpoint.h5", "r") as h5: mask = h5["data/mask"][()] iterations = np.sort([int(i) for i in h5["model_snapshots"]]) history = {} for itr in iterations: z = h5[f"model_snapshots/{itr}/states/z"][()] durs = get_durations(z, mask) history[itr] = np.median(durs) final_median_durs.append(history[iterations[-1]]) median_dur_histories.append(history) fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2) for i, (kappa, history) in enumerate(zip(kappas, median_dur_histories)): color = / (len(kappas) - 1)) label = "{:.1e}".format(kappa) axs[0].plot(*zip(*history.items()), color=color, label=label) axs[0].legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) axs[0].set_xlabel("iteration") axs[0].set_ylabel("median duration") axs[1].scatter(kappas, final_median_durs) axs[1].set_xlabel("kappa") axs[1].set_ylabel("final median duration") axs[1].set_xscale("log") fig.set_size_inches(figsize) plt.tight_layout() return fig, np.array(final_median_durs)
[docs] def plot_progress( model, data, checkpoint_path, iteration, project_dir=None, model_name=None, path=None, savefig=True, fig_size=None, window_size=600, min_frequency=0.001, min_histogram_length=10, ): """Plot the progress of the model during fitting. The figure shows the following plots: - Duration distribution: The distribution of state durations for the most recent iteration of the model. - Frequency distribution: The distribution of state frequencies for the most recent iteration of the model. - Median duration: The median state duration across iterations. - State sequence history The state sequence across iterations in a random window (a new window is selected each time the progress is plotted). Parameters ---------- model : dict Model dictionary containing `states` data : dict Data dictionary containing `mask` checkpoint_path : str Path to an HDF5 file containing model checkpoints. iteration : int Current iteration of model fitting project_dir : str, default=None Path to the project directory. Required if `savefig` is True. model_name : str, default=None Name of the model. Required if `savefig` is True. savefig : bool, default=True Whether to save the figure to a file. If true, the figure is either saved to `path` or, to `{project_dir}/{model_name}-progress.pdf` if `path` is None. fig_size : tuple of float, default=None Size of the figure in inches. window_size : int, default=600 Window size for state sequence history plot. min_frequency : float, default=.001 Minimum frequency for including a state in the frequency distribution plot. min_histogram_length : int, default=10 Minimum x-axis length of the frequency distribution plot. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure containing the plots. axs : list of matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes containing the plots. """ z = np.array(model["states"]["z"]) mask = np.array(data["mask"]) durations = get_durations(z, mask) frequencies = get_frequencies(z, mask) with h5py.File(checkpoint_path, "r") as f: saved_iterations = np.sort([int(i) for i in f["model_snapshots"]]) if len(saved_iterations) > 1: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 4, gridspec_kw={"width_ratios": [1, 1, 1, 3]}) if fig_size is None: fig_size = (12, 2.5) else: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2) if fig_size is None: fig_size = (4, 2.5) frequencies = np.sort(frequencies[frequencies > min_frequency])[::-1] xmax = max(len(frequencies), min_histogram_length) axs[0].bar(range(len(frequencies)), frequencies, width=1) axs[0].set_ylabel("probability") axs[0].set_xlabel("syllable rank") axs[0].set_xlim([-1, xmax + 1]) axs[0].set_title("Frequency distribution") axs[0].set_yticks([]) lim = int(np.percentile(durations, 95)) binsize = max(int(np.floor(lim / 30)), 1) axs[1].hist(durations, range=(1, lim), bins=(int(lim / binsize)), density=True) axs[1].set_xlim([1, lim]) axs[1].set_xlabel("syllable duration (frames)") axs[1].set_ylabel("probability") axs[1].set_title("Duration distribution") axs[1].set_yticks([]) if len(saved_iterations) > 1: window_size = int(min(window_size, mask.max(0).sum() - 1)) nz = np.stack(np.array(mask[:, window_size:]).nonzero(), axis=1) batch_ix, start = nz[np.random.randint(nz.shape[0])] sample_state_history = [] median_durations = [] for i in saved_iterations: with h5py.File(checkpoint_path, "r") as f: z = np.array(f[f"model_snapshots/{i}/states/z"]) sample_state_history.append(z[batch_ix, start : start + window_size]) median_durations.append(np.median(get_durations(z, mask))) axs[2].scatter(saved_iterations, median_durations) axs[2].set_ylim([-1, np.max(median_durations) * 1.1]) axs[2].set_xlabel("iteration") axs[2].set_ylabel("duration") axs[2].set_title("Median duration") axs[3].imshow( sample_state_history,, aspect="auto", interpolation="nearest", ) axs[3].set_xlabel("Time (frames)") axs[3].set_ylabel("Iterations") axs[3].set_title("State sequence history") yticks = [ int(y) for y in axs[3].get_yticks() if y < len(saved_iterations) and y > 0 ] yticklabels = saved_iterations[yticks] axs[3].set_yticks(yticks) axs[3].set_yticklabels(yticklabels) title = f"Iteration {iteration}" if model_name is not None: title = f"{model_name}: {title}" fig.suptitle(title) fig.set_size_inches(fig_size) plt.tight_layout() if savefig: path = _get_path(project_dir, model_name, path, "fitting_progress.pdf") plt.savefig(path) return fig, axs
[docs] def write_video_clip(frames, path, fps=30, quality=7): """Write a video clip to a file. Parameters ---------- frames : np.ndarray Video frames as a 4D array of shape `(num_frames, height, width, 3)` or a 3D array of shape `(num_frames, height, width)`. path : str Path to save the video clip. fps : int, default=30 Framerate of video encoding. quality : int, default=7 Quality of video encoding. """ with imageio.get_writer( path, pixelformat="yuv420p", fps=fps, quality=quality ) as writer: for frame in frames: writer.append_data(frame)
def _grid_movie_tile( key, start, end, videos, centroids, headings, dot_color, window_size, scaled_window_size, pre, post, dot_radius, overlay_keypoints, edges, coordinates, plot_options, downsample_rate, ): scale_factor = scaled_window_size / window_size cs = centroids[key][start - pre : start + post] h, c = headings[key][start], cs[pre] r = np.float32([[np.cos(h), np.sin(h)], [-np.sin(h), np.cos(h)]]) tile = [] if videos is not None: frames = videos[key][ (start - pre) * downsample_rate : (start + post) * downsample_rate ][::downsample_rate] c = r @ c - window_size // 2 M = [[np.cos(h), np.sin(h), -c[0]], [-np.sin(h), np.cos(h), -c[1]]] for ii, (frame, c) in enumerate(zip(frames, cs)): if overlay_keypoints: coords = coordinates[key][start - pre + ii] frame = overlay_keypoints_on_image( frame, coords, edges=edges, **plot_options ) frame = cv2.warpAffine(frame, np.float32(M), (window_size, window_size)) frame = cv2.resize(frame, (scaled_window_size, scaled_window_size)) if 0 <= ii - pre <= end - start and dot_radius > 0: pos = tuple([int(x) for x in M @ np.append(c, 1) * scale_factor]), pos, dot_radius, dot_color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA) tile.append(frame) else: # first transform keypoints, then overlay on black background assert overlay_keypoints, fill( "If no videos are provided, then `overlay_keypoints` must " "be True. Otherwise there is nothing to show" ) scale_factor = scaled_window_size / window_size coords = coordinates[key][start - pre : start + post] coords = (coords - c) @ r.T * scale_factor + scaled_window_size // 2 cs = (cs - c) @ r.T * scale_factor + scaled_window_size // 2 background = np.zeros((scaled_window_size, scaled_window_size, 3)) for ii, (uvs, c) in enumerate(zip(coords, cs)): frame = overlay_keypoints_on_image( background.copy(), uvs, edges=edges, **plot_options ) if 0 <= ii - pre <= end - start and dot_radius > 0: pos = (int(c[0]), int(c[1])), pos, dot_radius, dot_color, -1, cv2.LINE_AA) tile.append(frame) return np.stack(tile)
[docs] def grid_movie( instances, rows, cols, videos, centroids, headings, window_size, dot_color=(255, 255, 255), dot_radius=4, pre=30, post=60, scaled_window_size=None, edges=[], overlay_keypoints=False, coordinates=None, plot_options={}, downsample_rate=1, ): """Generate a grid movie and return it as an array of frames. Grid movies show many instances of a syllable. Each instance contains a snippet of video (and/or keypoint-overlay) centered on the animal and synchronized to the onset of the syllable. A dot appears at syllable onset and disappears at syllable offset. Parameters ---------- instances: list of tuples `(key, start, end)` List of syllable instances to include in the grid movie, where each instance is specified as a tuple with the video name, start frame and end frame. The list must have length `rows*cols`. The video names must also be keys in `videos`. rows: int, cols : int Number of rows and columns in the grid movie grid videos: dict or None Dictionary mapping video names to video readers. Frames from each reader should be accessible via `__getitem__(int or slice)`. If None, the the grid movie will not include video frames. centroids: dict Dictionary mapping video names to arrays of shape `(n_frames, 2)` with the x,y coordinates of animal centroid on each frame headings: dict Dictionary mapping video names to arrays of shape `(n_frames,)` with the heading of the animal on each frame (in radians) window_size: int Size of the window around the animal. This should be a multiple of 16 or imageio will complain. dot_color: tuple of ints, default=(255,255,255) RGB color of the dot indicating syllable onset and offset dot_radius: int, default=4 Radius of the dot indicating syllable onset and offset pre: int, default=30 Number of frames before syllable onset to include in the movie post: int, default=60 Number of frames after syllable onset to include in the movie scaled_window_size: int, default=None Window size after scaling the video. If None, the no scaling is performed (i.e. `scaled_window_size = window_size`) overlay_keypoints: bool, default=False If True, overlay the pose skeleton on the video frames. edges: list of tuples, default=[] List of edges defining pose skeleton. Used when `overlay_keypoints=True`. coordinates: dict, default=None Dictionary mapping video names to arrays of shape `(n_frames, 2)`. Used when `overlay_keypoints=True`. plot_options: dict, default={} Dictionary of options to pass to `overlay_keypoints_on_image`. Used when `overlay_keypoints=True`. downsample_rate: int, default=1 Downsampling rate for the video frames. Coordinates at index `i` will be plotted on the video frame at index `i*downsample_rate`. Returns ------- frames: array of shape `(post+pre, width, height, 3)` Array of frames in the grid movie where:: width = rows * scaled_window_size height = cols * scaled_window_size """ if videos is None: assert overlay_keypoints, fill( "If no videos are provided, then `overlay_keypoints` must " "be True. Otherwise there is nothing to show" ) if scaled_window_size is None: scaled_window_size = window_size tiles = [] for key, start, end in instances: tiles.append( _grid_movie_tile( key, start, end, videos, centroids, headings, dot_color, window_size, scaled_window_size, pre, post, dot_radius, overlay_keypoints, edges, coordinates, plot_options, downsample_rate, ) ) tiles = np.stack(tiles).reshape( rows, cols, post + pre, scaled_window_size, scaled_window_size, 3 ) frames = np.concatenate(np.concatenate(tiles, axis=2), axis=2) return frames
[docs] def get_grid_movie_window_size( sampled_instances, centroids, headings, coordinates, pre, post, pctl=90, fudge_factor=1.1, blocksize=16, ): """Automatically determine the window size for a grid movie. The window size is set such that across all sampled instances, the animal is fully visible in at least `pctl` percent of frames. Parameters ---------- sampled_instances: dict Dictionary mapping syllables to lists of instances, where each instance is specified as a tuple with the video name, start frame and end frame. centroids: dict Dictionary mapping video names to arrays of shape `(n_frames, 2)` with the x,y coordinates of animal centroid on each frame headings: dict Dictionary mapping video names to arrays of shape `(n_frames,)` with the heading of the animal on each frame (in radians) coordinates: dict Dictionary mapping recording names to keypoint coordinates as ndarrays of shape (n_frames, n_bodyparts, 2). pre, post: int Number of frames before/after syllable onset that are included in the grid movies. pctl: int, default=95 Percentile of frames in which the animal should be fully visible. fudge_factor: float, default=1.1 Factor by which to multiply the window size. blocksize: int, default=16 Window size is rounded up to the nearest multiple of `blocksize`. """ all_trajectories = get_instance_trajectories( sum(sampled_instances.values(), []), coordinates, pre=pre, post=post, centroids=centroids, headings=headings, ) all_trajectories = np.concatenate(all_trajectories, axis=0) all_trajectories = all_trajectories[~np.isnan(all_trajectories).all((1, 2))] max_distances = np.nanmax(np.abs(all_trajectories), axis=1) window_size = np.percentile(max_distances, pctl) * fudge_factor * 2 window_size = int(np.ceil(window_size / blocksize) * blocksize) return window_size
[docs] def generate_grid_movies( results, project_dir=None, model_name=None, output_dir=None, video_dir=None, video_paths=None, rows=4, cols=6, filter_size=9, pre=30, post=60, min_frequency=0.005, min_duration=3, dot_radius=4, dot_color=(255, 255, 255), quality=7, window_size=None, coordinates=None, centroids=None, headings=None, bodyparts=None, use_bodyparts=None, sampling_options={}, video_extension=None, max_video_size=1920, skeleton=[], overlay_keypoints=False, keypoints_only=False, keypoints_scale=1, fps=None, plot_options={}, use_dims=[0, 1], keypoint_colormap="autumn", downsample_rate=1, **kwargs, ): """Generate grid movies for a modeled dataset. Grid movies show many instances of a syllable and are useful in figuring out what behavior the syllable captures (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.viz.grid_movie`). This method generates a grid movie for each syllable that is used sufficiently often (i.e. has at least `rows*cols` instances with duration of at least `min_duration` and an overall frequency of at least `min_frequency`). The grid movies are saved to `output_dir` if specified, or else to `{project_dir}/{model_name}/grid_movies`. Parameters ---------- results: dict Dictionary containing modeling results for a dataset (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.fitting.extract_results`) project_dir: str, default=None Project directory. Required to save grid movies if `output_dir` is None. model_name: str, default=None Name of the model. Required to save grid movies if `output_dir` is None. output_dir: str, default=None Directory where grid movies should be saved. If None, grid movies will be saved to `{project_dir}/{model_name}/grid_movies`. video_dir: str, default=None Directory containing videos of the modeled data (see :py:func:``). Either `video_dir` or `video_paths` must be provided unless `keypoints_only=True`. video_paths: dict, default=None Dictionary mapping recording names to video paths. The recording names must correspond to keys in the results dictionary. Either `video_dir` or `video_paths` must be provided unless `keypoints_only=True`. filter_size: int, default=9 Size of the median filter applied to centroids and headings min_frequency: float, default=0.005 Minimum frequency of a syllable to be included in the grid movies. min_duration: int, default=3 Minimum duration of a syllable instance to be included in the grid movie for that syllable. sampling_options: dict, default={} Dictionary of options for sampling syllable instances (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.util.sample_instances`). coordinates: dict, default=None Dictionary mapping recording names to keypoint coordinates as ndarrays of shape (n_frames, n_bodyparts, [2 or 3]). Required when `window_size=None`, or `overlay_keypoints=True`, or if using density-based sampling (i.e. when `sampling_options['mode']=='density'`; see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.util.sample_instances`). centroids: dict, default=None Dictionary mapping recording names to arrays of shape `(n_frames, 2)`. Overrides the centroid information in `results`. headings: dict, default=None Dictionary mapping recording names to arrays of shape `(n_frames,)`. Overrides the heading information in `results`. bodyparts: list of str, default=None List of bodypart names in `coordinates`. Required when `coordinates` is provided and bodyparts were reindexed for modeling. use_bodyparts: list of str, default=None Ordered list of bodyparts used for modeling. Required when `coordinates` is provided and bodyparts were reindexed for modeling. quality: int, default=7 Quality of the grid movies. Higher values result in higher quality movies but larger file sizes. rows, cols, pre, post, dot_radius, dot_color, window_size See :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.viz.grid_movie` video_extension: str, default=None Preferred video extension (passed to :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.util.find_matching_videos`) window_size: int, default=None Size of the window around the animal. If None, the window size is determined automatically based on the size of the animal. If provided explicitly, `window_size` should be a multiple of 16 or imageio will complain. max_video_size: int, default=4000 Maximum size of the grid movie in pixels. If the grid movie is larger than this, it will be downsampled. skeleton: list of tuples, default=[] List of tuples specifying the skeleton. Used when `overlay_keypoints=True`. overlay_keypoints: bool, default=False Whether to overlay the keypoints on the grid movie. keypoints_only: bool, default=False Whether to only show the keypoints (i.e. no video frames). Overrides `overlay_keypoints`. When this option is used, the framerate should be explicitly specified using `fps`. keypoints_scale: float, default=1 Factor to scale keypoint coordinates before plotting. Only used when `keypoints_only=True`. This is useful when the keypoints are 3D and encoded in units that are larger than a pixel. fps: int, default=30 Framerate of the grid movie. If None, the framerate is determined from the videos. plot_options: dict, default={} Dictionary of options to pass to :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.viz.overlay_keypoints_on_image`. use_dims: pair of ints, default=[0,1] Dimensions to use for plotting keypoints. Only used when `overlay_keypoints=True` and the keypoints are 3D. keypoint_colormap: str, default='autumn' Colormap used to color keypoints. Used when `overlay_keypoints=True`. downsample_rate: int, default=1 Downsampling rate for the video frames. Coordinates at index `i` will be plotted on the video frame at index `i*downsample_rate`. See :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.viz.grid_movie` for the remaining parameters. Returns ------- sampled_instances: dict Dictionary mapping syllables to lists of instances shown in each in grid movie (in row-major order), where each instance is specified as a tuple with the video name, start frame and end frame. """ # check inputs if keypoints_only: overlay_keypoints = True else: assert (video_dir is not None) or (video_paths is not None), fill( "Either `video_dir` or `video_paths` is required unless `keypoints_only=True`" ) if window_size is None or overlay_keypoints: assert coordinates is not None, fill( "`coordinates` must be provided if `window_size` is None " "or `overlay_keypoints` is True" ) # prepare output directory output_dir = _get_path( project_dir, model_name, output_dir, "grid_movies", "output_dir" ) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) print(f"Writing grid movies to {output_dir}") # reindex coordinates if necessary if not (bodyparts is None or use_bodyparts is None or coordinates is None): coordinates = reindex_by_bodyparts(coordinates, bodyparts, use_bodyparts) # get edges for plotting skeleton edges = [] if len(skeleton) > 0 and overlay_keypoints: edges = get_edges(use_bodyparts, skeleton) # load results if results is None: results = load_results(project_dir, model_name) # extract syllables from results syllables = {k: v["syllable"] for k, v in results.items()} # extract and smooth centroids and headings if centroids is None: centroids = {k: v["centroid"] for k, v in results.items()} if headings is None: headings = {k: v["heading"] for k, v in results.items()} centroids, headings = filter_centroids_headings( centroids, headings, filter_size=filter_size ) # scale keypoints if necessary if keypoints_only: for k, v in coordinates.items(): coordinates[k] = v * keypoints_scale for k, v in centroids.items(): centroids[k] = v * keypoints_scale # load video readers if necessary if not keypoints_only: if video_paths is None: video_paths = find_matching_videos( results.keys(), video_dir, as_dict=True, video_extension=video_extension, ) check_video_paths(video_paths, results.keys()) videos = {k: OpenCVReader(path) for k, path in video_paths.items()} if fps is None: fps = list(videos.values())[0].fps else: videos = None # sample instances for each syllable syllable_instances = get_syllable_instances( syllables, pre=pre, post=post, min_duration=min_duration, min_frequency=min_frequency, min_instances=rows * cols, ) if len(syllable_instances) == 0: warnings.warn( fill( "No syllables with sufficient instances to make a grid movie. " "This usually occurs when all frames have the same syllable label " "(use `plot_syllable_frequencies` to check if this is the case)" ) ) return sampled_instances = sample_instances( syllable_instances, rows * cols, coordinates=coordinates, centroids=centroids, headings=headings, **sampling_options, ) # if the data is 3D, pick 2 dimensions to use for plotting keypoint_dimension = next(iter(centroids.values())).shape[-1] if keypoint_dimension == 3: ds = np.array(use_dims) centroids = {k: v[:, ds] for k, v in centroids.items()} if coordinates is not None: coordinates = {k: v[:, :, ds] for k, v in coordinates.items()} # determine window size for grid movies if window_size is None: window_size = get_grid_movie_window_size( sampled_instances, centroids, headings, coordinates, pre, post ) print(f"Using window size of {window_size} pixels") if keypoints_only: if window_size < 64: warnings.warn( fill( "The scale of the keypoints is very small. This may result in " "poor quality grid movies. Try increasing `keypoints_scale`." ) ) # possibly reduce window size to keep grid movies under max_video_size scaled_window_size = max_video_size / max(rows, cols) scaled_window_size = int(np.floor(scaled_window_size / 16) * 16) scaled_window_size = min(scaled_window_size, window_size) scale_factor = scaled_window_size / window_size if scale_factor < 1: warnings.warn( "\n" + fill( f"Videos will be downscaled by a factor of {scale_factor:.2f} " f"so that the grid movies are under {max_video_size} pixels. " "Use `max_video_size` to increase or decrease this size limit." ) + "\n\n" ) # add colormap to plot options plot_options.update({"keypoint_colormap": keypoint_colormap}) # generate grid movies for syllable, instances in tqdm.tqdm( sampled_instances.items(), desc="Generating grid movies", ncols=72 ): frames = grid_movie( instances, rows, cols, videos, centroids, headings, edges=edges, window_size=window_size, scaled_window_size=scaled_window_size, dot_color=dot_color, pre=pre, post=post, dot_radius=dot_radius, overlay_keypoints=overlay_keypoints, coordinates=coordinates, plot_options=plot_options, downsample_rate=downsample_rate, ) path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"syllable{syllable}.mp4") write_video_clip(frames, path, fps=fps, quality=quality) return sampled_instances
[docs] def get_limits( coordinates, pctl=1, blocksize=None, left=0.2, right=0.2, top=0.2, bottom=0.2, ): """Get axis limits based on the coordinates of all keypoints. For each axis, limits are determined using the percentiles `pctl` and `100-pctl` and then padded by `padding`. Parameters ---------- coordinates: ndarray or dict Coordinates as an ndarray of shape (..., 2), or a dict with values that are ndarrays of shape (..., 2). pctl: float, default=1 Percentile to use for determining the axis limits. blocksize: int, default=None Axis limits are cast to integers and padded so that the width and height are multiples of `blocksize`. This is useful when they are used for generating cropped images for a video. left, right, top, bottom: float, default=0.1 Fraction of the axis range to pad on each side. Returns ------- lims: ndarray of shape (2,dim) Axis limits, in the format `[[xmin,ymin,...],[xmax,ymax,...]]`. """ if isinstance(coordinates, dict): X = np.concatenate(list(coordinates.values())).reshape(-1, 2) else: X = coordinates.reshape(-1, 2) xmin, ymin = np.nanpercentile(X, pctl, axis=0) xmax, ymax = np.nanpercentile(X, 100 - pctl, axis=0) width = xmax - xmin height = ymax - ymin xmin -= width * left xmax += width * right ymin -= height * bottom ymax += height * top lims = np.array([[xmin, ymin], [xmax, ymax]]) if blocksize is not None: lims = np.round(lims) padding = np.mod(lims[0] - lims[1], blocksize) / 2 lims[0] -= padding lims[1] += padding lims = np.ceil(lims) return lims.astype(int)
def rasterize_figure(fig): canvas = fig.canvas canvas.draw() width, height = canvas.get_width_height() raster_flat = np.frombuffer(canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype="uint8") raster = raster_flat.reshape((height, width, 3)) return raster
[docs] def plot_trajectories( titles, Xs, lims, edges=[], n_cols=4, invert=False, keypoint_colormap="autumn", keypoint_colors=None, node_size=50.0, line_width=3.0, alpha=0.2, num_timesteps=10, plot_width=4, overlap=(0.2, 0), return_rasters=False, ): """Plot one or more pose trajectories on a common axis and return the axis. (See :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.viz.generate_trajectory_plots`) Parameters ---------- titles: list of str List of titles for each trajectory plot. Xs: list of ndarray List of pose trajectories as ndarrays of shape (n_frames, n_keypoints, 2). lims: ndarray Axis limits used for all the trajectory plots. The limits should be provided as an array of shape (2,2) with the format `[[xmin,ymin],[xmax,ymax]]`. edges: list of tuples, default=[] List of edges, where each edge is a tuple of two integers n_cols: int, default=4 Number of columns in the figure (used when plotting multiple trajectories). invert: bool, default=False Determines the background color of the figure. If `True`, the background will be black. keypoint_colormap : str or list Name of a matplotlib colormap or a list of colors as (r,b,g) tuples in the same order as as the keypoints. keypoint_colors : array-like, shape=(num_keypoints,3), default=None Color for each keypoint. If None, the keypoint colormap is used. If the dtype is int, the values are assumed to be in the range 0-255, otherwise they are assumed to be in the range 0-1. node_size: int, default=50 Size of each keypoint. line_width: int, default=3 Width of the lines connecting keypoints. alpha: float, default=0.2 Opacity of fade-out layers. num_timesteps: int, default=10 Number of timesteps to plot for each trajectory. The pose at each timestep is determined by linearly interpolating between the keypoints. plot_width: int, default=4 Width of each trajectory plot in inches. The height is determined by the aspect ratio of `lims`. The final figure width is `fig_width * min(n_cols, len(X))`. overlap: tuple of float, default=(0.2,0) Amount of overlap between each trajectory plot as a tuple with the format `(x_overlap, y_overlap)`. The values should be between 0 and 1. return_rasters: bool, default=False Rasterize the matplotlib canvas after plotting each step of the trajecory. This is used to generate an animated video/gif of the trajectory. Returns ------- fig : :py:class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure handle ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes Axis containing the trajectory plots. """ fill_color = "k" if invert else "w" if keypoint_colors is None: cmap = plt.colormaps[keypoint_colormap] colors = plt.get_cmap(cmap)(np.linspace(0, 1, Xs[0].shape[1])) elif isinstance(keypoint_colors[0][0], int): colors = list(np.array(keypoint_colors) / 255) else: colors = list(keypoint_colors) n_cols = min(n_cols, len(Xs)) n_rows = np.ceil(len(Xs) / n_cols) offsets = np.stack( np.meshgrid( np.arange(n_cols) * np.diff(lims[:, 0]) * (1 - overlap[0]), np.arange(n_rows) * np.diff(lims[:, 1]) * (overlap[1] - 1), ), axis=-1, ).reshape(-1, 2)[: len(Xs)] Xs = interpolate_along_axis( np.linspace(0, Xs[0].shape[0], num_timesteps), np.arange(Xs[0].shape[0]), np.array(Xs), axis=1, ) Xs = Xs + offsets[:, None, None] xmin, ymin = lims[0] + offsets.min(0) xmax, ymax = lims[1] + offsets.max(0) fig, ax = plt.subplots(frameon=False) ax.fill_between( [xmin, xmax], y1=[ymax, ymax], y2=[ymin, ymin], facecolor=fill_color, zorder=0, clip_on=False, ) title_xy = (lims * np.array([[0.5, 0.1], [0.5, 0.9]])).sum(0) title_color = "w" if invert else "k" for xy, text in zip(offsets + title_xy, titles): ax.text( *xy, text, c=title_color, ha="center", va="top", zorder=Xs.shape[1] * 4 + 4, ) # final extents in axis final_width = xmax - xmin final_height = title_xy[1] - ymin fig_width = plot_width * (n_cols - (n_cols - 1) * overlap[0]) fig_height = final_height / final_width * fig_width fig.set_size_inches((fig_width, fig_height)) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.axis("off") plt.tight_layout() rasters = [] # for making a gif for i in range(Xs.shape[1]): for X, offset in zip(Xs, offsets): for ii, jj in edges: ax.plot( *X[i, (ii, jj)].T, c="k", zorder=i * 4, linewidth=line_width, clip_on=False, ) for ii, jj in edges: ax.plot( *X[i, (ii, jj)].T, c=colors[ii], zorder=i * 4 + 1, linewidth=line_width * 0.9, clip_on=False, ) ax.scatter( *X[i].T, c=colors, zorder=i * 4 + 2, edgecolor="k", linewidth=0.4, s=node_size, clip_on=False, ) if i < Xs.shape[1] - 1: ax.fill_between( [xmin, xmax], y1=[ymax, ymax], y2=[ymin, ymin], facecolor=fill_color, alpha=alpha, zorder=i * 4 + 3, clip_on=False, ) if return_rasters: rasters.append(rasterize_figure(fig)) return fig, ax, rasters
def save_gif(image_list, gif_filename, duration=0.5): # Convert NumPy arrays to PIL Image objects pil_images = [Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img)) for img in image_list] # Save the PIL Images as an animated GIF pil_images[0].save( gif_filename, save_all=True, append_images=pil_images[1:], duration=int(duration * 1000), loop=0, )
[docs] def generate_trajectory_plots( coordinates, results, project_dir=None, model_name=None, output_dir=None, pre=5, post=15, min_frequency=0.005, min_duration=3, skeleton=[], bodyparts=None, use_bodyparts=None, keypoint_colormap="autumn", plot_options={}, get_limits_pctl=0, padding={"left": 0.1, "right": 0.1, "top": 0.2, "bottom": 0.2}, lims=None, save_individually=True, save_gifs=True, save_mp4s=False, fps=30, projection_planes=["xy", "xz"], interactive=True, density_sample=True, sampling_options={"n_neighbors": 50}, **kwargs, ): """ Generate trajectory plots for a modeled dataset. Each trajectory plot shows a sequence of poses along the average trajectory through latent space associated with a given syllable. A separate figure (and gif, optionally) is saved for each syllable, along with a single figure showing all syllables in a grid. The plots are saved to `{output_dir}` if it is provided, otherwise they are saved to `{project_dir}/{model_name}/trajectory_plots`. Plot-related parameters are described below. For the remaining parameters see (:py:func:`keypoint_moseq.util.get_typical_trajectories`) Parameters ---------- coordinates: dict Dictionary mapping recording names to keypoint coordinates as ndarrays of shape (n_frames, n_bodyparts, [2 or 3]). results: dict Dictionary containing modeling results for a dataset (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.fitting.extract_results`). project_dir: str, default=None Project directory. Required to save trajectory plots if `output_dir` is None. model_name: str, default=None Name of the model. Required to save trajectory plots if `output_dir` is None. output_dir: str, default=None Directory where trajectory plots should be saved. If None, plots will be saved to `{project_dir}/{model_name}/trajectory_plots`. skeleton : list, default=[] List of edges that define the skeleton, where each edge is a pair of bodypart names or a pair of indexes. keypoint_colormap : str Name of a matplotlib colormap to use for coloring the keypoints. plot_options: dict, default={} Dictionary of options for trajectory plots (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.util.plot_trajectories`). get_limits_pctl: float, default=0 Percentile to use for determining the axis limits. Higher values lead to tighter axis limits. padding: dict, default={'left':0.1, 'right':0.1, 'top':0.2, 'bottom':0.2} Padding around trajectory plots. Controls the the distance between trajectories (when multiple are shown in one figure) as well as the title offset. lims: ndarray of shape (2,2), default=None Axis limits used for all the trajectory plots with format `[[xmin,ymin],[xmax,ymax]]`. If None, the limits are determined automatically based on the coordinates of the keypoints using :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.viz.get_limits`. save_individually: bool, default=True If True, a separate figure is saved for each syllable (in addition to the grid figure). save_gifs: bool, default=True Whether to save an animated gif of the trajectory plots. save_mp4s: bool, default=False Whether to save videos of the trajectory plots as .mp4 files fps: int, default=30 Framerate of the videos from which keypoints were derived. Used to set the framerate of gifs when `save_gif=True`. projection_planes: list (subset of ['xy', 'yz', 'xz']), default=['xy','xz'] For 3D data, defines the 2D plane(s) on which to project keypoint coordinates. A separate plot will be saved for each plane with the name of the plane (e.g. 'xy') as a suffix. This argument is ignored for 2D data. interactive: bool, default=True For 3D data, whether to create an visualization that can be rotated and zoomed. This argument is ignored for 2D data. """ plot_options.update({"keypoint_colormap": keypoint_colormap}) edges = [] if len(skeleton) == 0 else get_edges(use_bodyparts, skeleton) output_dir = _get_path( project_dir, model_name, output_dir, "trajectory_plots", "output_dir" ) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) print(f"Saving trajectory plots to {output_dir}") typical_trajectories = get_typical_trajectories( coordinates, results, pre, post, min_frequency, min_duration, bodyparts, use_bodyparts, density_sample, sampling_options, ) syllable_ixs = sorted(typical_trajectories.keys()) titles = [f"Syllable{s}" for s in syllable_ixs] Xs = np.stack([typical_trajectories[s] for s in syllable_ixs]) if Xs.shape[-1] == 3: projection_planes = [ "".join(sorted(plane.lower())) for plane in projection_planes ] assert set(projection_planes) <= set(["xy", "yz", "xz"]), fill( "`projection_planes` must be a subset of `['xy','yz','xz']`" ) if lims is not None: assert lims.shape == (2, 3), fill( "`lims` must be None or an ndarray of shape (2,3) when plotting 3D data" ) all_Xs, all_lims, suffixes = [], [], [] for plane in projection_planes: use_dims = {"xy": [0, 1], "yz": [1, 2], "xz": [0, 2]}[plane] all_Xs.append(Xs[..., use_dims]) suffixes.append("." + plane) if lims is None: all_lims.append(get_limits(all_Xs[-1], pctl=get_limits_pctl, **padding)) else: all_lims.append(lims[..., use_dims]) else: all_Xs = [Xs * np.array([1, -1])] # flip y-axis if lims is None: lims = get_limits(all_Xs[-1], pctl=get_limits_pctl, **padding) all_lims = [lims] suffixes = [""] for Xs_2D, lims, suffix in zip(all_Xs, all_lims, suffixes): # individual plots if save_individually: desc = "Generating trajectory plots" for title, X in tqdm.tqdm( zip(titles, Xs_2D), desc=desc, total=len(titles), ncols=72 ): fig, ax, rasters = plot_trajectories( [title], X[None], lims, edges=edges, return_rasters=(save_gifs or save_mp4s), **plot_options, ) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, f"{title}{suffix}.pdf")) plt.close(fig=fig) if save_gifs: frame_duration = (pre + post) / len(rasters) / fps path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{title}{suffix}.gif") save_gif(rasters, path, duration=frame_duration) if save_mp4s: use_fps = len(rasters) / (pre + post) * fps path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{title}{suffix}.mp4") write_video_clip(rasters, path, fps=use_fps) # grid plot fig, ax, rasters = plot_trajectories( titles, Xs_2D, lims, edges=edges, return_rasters=(save_gifs or save_mp4s), **plot_options, ) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir, f"all_trajectories{suffix}.pdf")) if save_gifs: frame_duration = (pre + post) / len(rasters) / fps path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"all_trajectories{suffix}.gif") save_gif(rasters, path, duration=frame_duration) if save_mp4s: use_fps = len(rasters) / (pre + post) * fps path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"all_trajectories{suffix}.mp4") write_video_clip(rasters, path, fps=use_fps) if interactive and Xs.shape[-1] == 3: plot_trajectories_3D(Xs, titles, edges, output_dir, **plot_options)
[docs] def overlay_keypoints_on_image( image, coordinates, edges=[], keypoint_colormap="autumn", keypoint_colors=None, node_size=5, line_width=2, copy=False, opacity=1.0, ): """Overlay keypoints on an image. Parameters ---------- image: ndarray of shape (height, width, 3) Image to overlay keypoints on. coordinates: ndarray of shape (num_keypoints, 2) Array of keypoint coordinates. edges: list of tuples, default=[] List of edges that define the skeleton, where each edge is a pair of indexes. keypoint_colormap: str, default='autumn' Name of a matplotlib colormap to use for coloring the keypoints. keypoint_colors : array-like, shape=(num_keypoints,3), default=None Color for each keypoint. If None, the keypoint colormap is used. If the dtype is int, the values are assumed to be in the range 0-255, otherwise they are assumed to be in the range 0-1. node_size: int, default=5 Size of the keypoints. line_width: int, default=2 Width of the skeleton lines. copy: bool, default=False Whether to copy the image before overlaying keypoints. opacity: float, default=1.0 Opacity of the overlay graphics (0.0-1.0). Returns ------- image: ndarray of shape (height, width, 3) Image with keypoints overlayed. """ if copy or opacity < 1.0: canvas = image.copy() else: canvas = image if keypoint_colors is None: cmap = plt.colormaps[keypoint_colormap] colors = np.array(cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, coordinates.shape[0])))[:, :3] else: colors = np.array(keypoint_colors) if isinstance(colors[0, 0], float): colors = [tuple([int(c) for c in cs * 255]) for cs in colors] # overlay skeleton for i, j in edges: if np.isnan(coordinates[i, 0]) or np.isnan(coordinates[j, 0]): continue pos1 = (int(coordinates[i, 0]), int(coordinates[i, 1])) pos2 = (int(coordinates[j, 0]), int(coordinates[j, 1])) canvas = cv2.line(canvas, pos1, pos2, colors[i], line_width, cv2.LINE_AA) # overlay keypoints for i, (x, y) in enumerate(coordinates): if np.isnan(x) or np.isnan(y): continue pos = (int(x), int(y)) canvas =, pos, node_size, colors[i], -1, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) if opacity < 1.0: image = cv2.addWeighted(image, 1 - opacity, canvas, opacity, 0) return image
[docs] def overlay_keypoints_on_video( video_path, coordinates, skeleton=[], bodyparts=None, use_bodyparts=None, output_path=None, show_frame_numbers=True, text_color=(255, 255, 255), crop_size=None, frames=None, quality=7, centroid_smoothing_filter=10, plot_options={}, downsample_rate=1, ): """Overlay keypoints on a video. Parameters ---------- video_path: str Path to a video file. coordinates: ndarray of shape (num_frames, num_keypoints, 2) Array of keypoint coordinates. skeleton: list of tuples, default=[] List of edges that define the skeleton, where each edge is a pair of bodypart names or a pair of indexes. bodyparts: list of str, default=None List of bodypart names in `coordinates`. Required if `skeleton` is defined using bodypart names. use_bodyparts: list of str, default=None Subset of bodyparts to plot. If None, all bodyparts are plotted. output_path: str, default=None Path to save the video. If None, the video is saved to `video_path` with the suffix `_keypoints`. show_frame_numbers: bool, default=True Whether to overlay the frame number in the video. text_color: tuple of int, default=(255,255,255) Color for the frame number overlay. crop_size: int, default=None Size of the crop around the keypoints to overlay on the video. If None, the entire video is used. frames: iterable of int, default=None Frames to overlay keypoints on. If None, all frames are used. quality: int, default=7 Quality of the output video. centroid_smoothing_filter: int, default=10 Amount of smoothing to determine cropping centroid. plot_options: dict, default={} Additional keyword arguments to pass to :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.viz.overlay_keypoints`. downsample_rate: int, default=1 Downsampling rate for the video frames. Coordinates at index `i` will be overlayed on the frame at index `i*downsample_rate`. """ if output_path is None: output_path = os.path.splitext(video_path)[0] + "_keypoints.mp4" print(f"Saving video to {output_path}") if bodyparts is not None: if use_bodyparts is not None: coordinates = reindex_by_bodyparts(coordinates, bodyparts, use_bodyparts) else: use_bodyparts = bodyparts edges = get_edges(use_bodyparts, skeleton) else: edges = skeleton if crop_size is not None: outliers = np.any(np.isnan(coordinates), axis=2) interpolated_coordinates = interpolate_keypoints(coordinates, outliers) crop_centroid = np.nanmedian(interpolated_coordinates, axis=1) crop_centroid = gaussian_filter1d( crop_centroid, centroid_smoothing_filter, axis=0 ) reader = OpenCVReader(video_path) fps = reader.fps if frames is None: frames = np.arange(len(reader)) with imageio.get_writer( output_path, pixelformat="yuv420p", fps=fps, quality=quality ) as writer: for frame in tqdm.tqdm(frames, ncols=72): image = overlay_keypoints_on_image( reader[frame], coordinates[frame], edges=edges, **plot_options ) if crop_size is not None: image = crop_image(image, crop_centroid[frame], crop_size) if show_frame_numbers: image = cv2.putText( image, f"Frame {frame}", (10, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, text_color, 1, cv2.LINE_AA, ) writer.append_data(image)
[docs] def add_3D_pose_to_plotly_fig( fig, coords, edges, keypoint_colors, node_size=50.0, line_width=3.0, visible=True, opacity=1, ): """ Add a 3D pose to a plotly figure. Parameters ---------- fig: plotly figure Figure to which the pose should be added. coords: ndarray (N,3) 3D coordinates of the pose. edges: list of index pairs Skeleton edges keypoint_colors : array-like with shape (num_keypoints,3) Color for each keypoint. If None, the keypoint colormap is used. If the dtype is int, the values are assumed to be in the range 0-255, otherwise they are assumed to be in the range 0-1. node_size: float, default=50.0 Size of keypoints. line_width: float, default=3.0 Width of skeleton edges. visibility: bool, default=True Initial visibility state of the nodes and edges opacity: float, default=1 Opacity of the nodes and edges (0-1) """ if isinstance(keypoint_colors[0, 0], int): keypoint_colors = np.array(keypoint_colors) / 255.0 marker = { "size": node_size / 10, "color": keypoint_colors, "line": dict(color="black", width=0.5), "opacity": opacity, } line = {"width": line_width, "color": f"rgba(0,0,0,{opacity})"} fig.add_trace( plotly.graph_objs.Scatter3d( x=coords[:, 0], y=coords[:, 1], z=coords[:, 2], mode="markers", visible=visible, marker=marker, ) ) for e in edges: fig.add_trace( plotly.graph_objs.Scatter3d( x=coords[e, 0], y=coords[e, 1], z=coords[e, 2], mode="lines", visible=visible, line=line, ) ) if keypoint_colors is None: # Use a default color (for example, red) if no colors are provided keypoint_colors = ["red"] * len(coords) elif isinstance(keypoint_colors[0], int): # Convert RGB values from [0, 255] to [0, 1] keypoint_colors = np.array(keypoint_colors) / 255.0 else: keypoint_colors = keypoint_colors marker = { "size": node_size, "color": keypoint_colors, "line": dict(color="black", width=0.5), "opacity": opacity, }
def plot_pcs_3D( ymean, ypcs, edges, keypoint_colors, savefig, project_dir=None, node_size=50, line_width=3, height=400, mean_pose_opacity=0.2, ): """ Visualize the components of a fitted PCA model based on 3D components. For each PC, a subplot shows the mean pose (semi-transparent) along with a perturbation of the mean pose in the direction of the PC. Parameters ---------- ymean : ndarray (num_bodyparts, 3) Mean pose. ypcs : ndarray (num_pcs, num_bodyparts, 3) Perturbations of the mean pose in the direction of each PC. edges : list of index pairs Skeleton edges. keypoint_colors : array-like, shape=(num_keypoints,3), default=None Color for each keypoint. If None, the keypoint colormap is used. If the dtype is int, the values are assumed to be in the range 0-255, otherwise they are assumed to be in the range 0-1. savefig : bool Whether to save the figure to a file. If true, the figure is saved to `{project_dir}/pcs.html` project_dir : str, default=None Path to the project directory. Required if `savefig` is True. node_size : float, default=50.0 Size of the keypoints in the figure. line_width: float, default=3.0 Width of edges in skeleton height : int, default=400 Height of the figure in pixels. mean_pose_opacity: float, default=0.4 Opacity of the mean pose """ from plotly.subplots import make_subplots fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=1, specs=[[{"type": "scatter3d"}]]) def visibility_mask(i): visible = np.zeros((len(edges) + 1) * (len(ypcs) + 1)) visible[-(len(edges) + 1) :] = 1 visible[(len(edges) + 1) * i : (len(edges) + 1) * (i + 1)] = 1 return visible > 0 steps = [] for i, coords in enumerate(ypcs): add_3D_pose_to_plotly_fig( fig, coords, edges, keypoint_colors, visible=(i == 0), node_size=node_size, line_width=line_width, ) steps.append( dict( method="update", label=f"PC {i+1}", args=[{"visible": visibility_mask(i)}], ) ) add_3D_pose_to_plotly_fig( fig, ymean, edges, keypoint_colors, opacity=mean_pose_opacity, node_size=node_size, line_width=line_width, ) fig.update_layout( height=height, showlegend=False, sliders=[dict(steps=steps)], scene=dict( xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, showbackground=False), yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, showbackground=False), zaxis=dict(showgrid=False, showline=True, linecolor="black"), bgcolor="white", aspectmode="data", ), margin=dict(l=20, r=20, b=0, t=0, pad=10), ) if savefig: assert project_dir is not None, fill( "The `savefig` option requires a `project_dir`" ) save_path = os.path.join(project_dir, f"pcs.html") fig.write_html(save_path) print(f"Saved interactive plot to {save_path}") def plot_trajectories_3D( Xs, titles, edges, output_dir, keypoint_colormap="autumn", keypoint_colors=None, node_size=50.0, line_width=3.0, height=500, skiprate=1, ): """ Visualize a set of 3D trajectories. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of ndarrays (num_syllables, num_frames, num_bodyparts, 3) Trajectories to visualize. titles : list of str Title for each trajectory. edges : list of index pairs Skeleton edges. output_dir : str Path to save the interactive plot. keypoint_colormap : str, default='autumn' Name of a matplotlib colormap to use for coloring the keypoints. keypoint_colors : array-like, shape=(num_keypoints,3), default=None Color for each keypoint. If None, the keypoint colormap is used. If the dtype is int, the values are assumed to be in the range 0-255, otherwise they are assumed to be in the range 0-1. node_size : float, default=50.0 Size of the keypoints in the figure. line_width: float, default=3.0 Width of edges in skeleton height : int, default=500 Height of the figure in pixels. skiprate : int, default=1 Plot every `skiprate` frames. """ from plotly.subplots import make_subplots if keypoint_colors is None: cmap = plt.colormaps[keypoint_colormap] keypoint_colors = np.array(cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, Xs.shape[2])))[:, :3] fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=1, specs=[[{"type": "scatter3d"}]]) Xs = Xs[:, ::skiprate] def visibility_mask(i): n = (len(edges) + 1) * len(Xs[1]) visible = np.zeros(n * len(Xs)) visible[n * i : n * (i + 1)] = 1 return visible > 0 steps = [] for i, X in enumerate(Xs): opacities = np.linspace(0.3, 1, len(X) + 1)[1:] ** 2 for coords, opacity in zip(X, opacities): add_3D_pose_to_plotly_fig( fig, coords, edges, keypoint_colors, visible=(i == 0), node_size=node_size, line_width=line_width, opacity=opacity, ) steps.append( dict( method="update", label=titles[i], args=[{"visible": visibility_mask(i)}], ) ) fig.update_layout( height=height, showlegend=False, sliders=[dict(steps=steps)], scene=dict( xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, showbackground=False), yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, showbackground=False), zaxis=dict(showgrid=False, showline=True, linecolor="black"), bgcolor="white", aspectmode="data", ), margin=dict(l=20, r=20, b=0, t=0, pad=10), ) if output_dir is not None: save_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"all_trajectories.html") fig.write_html(save_path) print(f"Saved interactive trajectories plot to {save_path}")
[docs] def plot_similarity_dendrogram( coordinates, results, project_dir=None, model_name=None, save_path=None, metric="cosine", pre=5, post=15, min_frequency=0.005, min_duration=3, bodyparts=None, use_bodyparts=None, density_sample=False, sampling_options={"n_neighbors": 50}, figsize=(6, 3), **kwargs, ): """Plot a dendrogram showing the similarity between syllable trajectories. The dendrogram is saved to `{save_path}` if it is provided, or else to `{project_dir}/{model_name}/similarity_dendrogram.pdf`. Plot- related parameters are described below. For the remaining parameters see (:py:func:`keypoint_moseq.util.get_typical_trajectories`) Parameters ---------- coordinates: dict Dictionary mapping recording names to keypoint coordinates as ndarrays of shape (n_frames, n_bodyparts, [2 or 3]). results: dict Dictionary containing modeling results for a dataset (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.fitting.extract_results`). project_dir: str, default=None Project directory. Required to save figure if `save_path` is None. model_name: str, default=None Model name. Required to save figure if `save_path` is None. save_path: str, default=None Path to save the dendrogram plot (do not include an extension). If None, the plot will be saved to `{project_dir}/{name}/similarity_dendrogram.[pdf/png]`. metric: str, default='cosine' Distance metric to use. See :py:func:`scipy.spatial.pdist` for options. figsize: tuple of float, default=(10,5) Size of the dendrogram plot. """ save_path = _get_path(project_dir, model_name, save_path, "similarity_dendrogram") distances, syllable_ixs = syllable_similarity( coordinates, results, metric, pre, post, min_frequency, min_duration, bodyparts, use_bodyparts, density_sample, sampling_options, ) Z = linkage(squareform(distances), "complete") fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) labels = [f"Syllable {s}" for s in syllable_ixs] dendrogram(Z, labels=labels, leaf_font_size=10, ax=ax, leaf_rotation=90) ax.set_yticks([]) for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_color("lightgray") ax.set_title("Syllable similarity") fig.set_size_inches(figsize) print(f"Saving dendrogram plot to {save_path}") for ext in ["pdf", "png"]: plt.savefig(save_path + "." + ext)
[docs] def matplotlib_colormap_to_plotly(cmap): """ Convert a matplotlib colormap to a plotly colormap. Parameters ---------- cmap: str Name of a matplotlib colormap. Returns ------- pl_colorscale: list Plotly colormap. """ cmap = plt.colormaps[cmap] pl_entries = 255 h = 1.0 / (pl_entries - 1) pl_colorscale = [] for k in range(pl_entries): C = (np.array(cmap(k * h)[:3]) * 255).astype(np.uint8) pl_colorscale.append([k * h, "rgb" + str((C[0], C[1], C[2]))]) return pl_colorscale
[docs] def initialize_3D_plot(height=500): """Create an empty 3D plotly figure.""" fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=1, specs=[[{"type": "scatter3d"}]]) fig.update_layout( height=height, showlegend=False, scene=dict( xaxis=dict(showgrid=False, showbackground=False), yaxis=dict(showgrid=False, showbackground=False), zaxis=dict(showgrid=False, showline=True, linecolor="black"), bgcolor="white", aspectmode="data", ), margin=dict(l=20, r=20, b=0, t=0, pad=10), ) return fig
[docs] def add_3D_pose_to_fig( fig, coords, edges, keypoint_colormap="autumn", node_size=6.0, linewidth=3.0, visible=True, opacity=1, ): """Add a 3D pose to a plotly figure. Parameters ---------- fig: plotly figure Figure to which the pose should be added. coords: ndarray (N,3) 3D coordinates of the pose. edges: list of index pairs Skeleton edges keypoint_colormap: str, default='autumn' Colormap to use for coloring keypoints. node_size: float, default=6.0 Size of keypoints. linewidth: float, default=3.0 Width of skeleton edges. visibility: bool, default=True Initial visibility state of the nodes and edges opacity: float, default=1 Opacity of the nodes and edges (0-1) """ marker = { "size": node_size, "color": np.linspace(0, 1, len(coords)), "colorscale": matplotlib_colormap_to_plotly(keypoint_colormap), "line": dict(color="black", width=0.5), "opacity": opacity, } line = {"width": linewidth, "color": f"rgba(0,0,0,{opacity})"} fig.add_trace( plotly.graph_objs.Scatter3d( x=coords[:, 0], y=coords[:, 1], z=coords[:, 2], mode="markers", visible=visible, marker=marker, ) ) for e in edges: fig.add_trace( plotly.graph_objs.Scatter3d( x=coords[e, 0], y=coords[e, 1], z=coords[e, 2], mode="lines", visible=visible, line=line, ) )
[docs] def plot_pcs_3D( ymean, ypcs, edges, keypoint_colormap, project_dir=None, node_size=6, linewidth=2, height=400, mean_pose_opacity=0.2, ): """ Visualize the components of a fitted PCA model based on 3D components. For each PC, a subplot shows the mean pose (semi-transparent) along with a perturbation of the mean pose in the direction of the PC. Parameters ---------- ymean : ndarray (num_bodyparts, 3) Mean pose. ypcs : ndarray (num_pcs, num_bodyparts, 3) Perturbations of the mean pose in the direction of each PC. edges : list of index pairs Skeleton edges. keypoint_colormap : str Name of a matplotlib colormap to use for coloring the keypoints. project_dir : str, default=None Path to the project directory. Required if `savefig` is True. node_size : float, default=30.0 Size of the keypoints in the figure. linewidth: float, default=2.0 Width of edges in skeleton height : int, default=400 Height of the figure in pixels. mean_pose_opacity: float, default=0.4 Opacity of the mean pose """ fig = initialize_3D_plot(height) def visibility_mask(i): visible = np.zeros((len(edges) + 1) * (len(ypcs) + 1)) visible[-(len(edges) + 1) :] = 1 visible[(len(edges) + 1) * i : (len(edges) + 1) * (i + 1)] = 1 return visible > 0 steps = [] for i, coords in enumerate(ypcs): add_3D_pose_to_fig( fig, coords, edges, visible=(i == 0), node_size=node_size, linewidth=linewidth, keypoint_colormap=keypoint_colormap, ) steps.append( dict( method="update", label=f"PC {i+1}", args=[{"visible": visibility_mask(i)}], ) ) add_3D_pose_to_fig( fig, ymean, edges, opacity=mean_pose_opacity, node_size=node_size, linewidth=linewidth, keypoint_colormap=keypoint_colormap, ) fig.update_layout(sliders=[dict(steps=steps)]) if project_dir is not None: save_path = os.path.join(project_dir, f"pcs.html") fig.write_html(save_path) print(f"Saved interactive plot to {save_path}")
[docs] def plot_trajectories_3D( Xs, titles, edges, output_dir, keypoint_colormap="autumn", node_size=8, linewidth=3, height=500, skiprate=1, ): """ Visualize a set of 3D trajectories. Parameters ---------- Xs : list of ndarrays (num_syllables, num_frames, num_bodyparts, 3) Trajectories to visualize. titles : list of str Title for each trajectory. edges : list of index pairs Skeleton edges. output_dir : str Path to save the interactive plot. keypoint_colormap : str, default='autumn' Name of a matplotlib colormap to use for coloring the keypoints. node_size : float, default=8.0 Size of the keypoints in the figure. linewidth: float, default=3.0 Width of edges in skeleton height : int, default=500 Height of the figure in pixels. skiprate : int, default=1 Plot every `skiprate` frames. """ fig = initialize_3D_plot(height) def visibility_mask(i): n = (len(edges) + 1) * len(Xs[1]) visible = np.zeros(n * len(Xs)) visible[n * i : n * (i + 1)] = 1 return visible > 0 steps = [] Xs = Xs[:, ::skiprate] for i, X in enumerate(Xs): opacities = np.linspace(0.3, 1, len(X) + 1)[1:] ** 2 for coords, opacity in zip(X, opacities): add_3D_pose_to_fig( fig, coords, edges, visible=(i == 0), node_size=node_size, linewidth=linewidth, keypoint_colormap=keypoint_colormap, opacity=opacity, ) steps.append( dict( method="update", label=titles[i], args=[{"visible": visibility_mask(i)}], ) ) fig.update_layout(sliders=[dict(steps=steps)]) if output_dir is not None: save_path = os.path.join(output_dir, f"all_trajectories.html") fig.write_html(save_path) print(f"Saved interactive trajectories plot to {save_path}")
[docs] def plot_poses_3D( poses, edges, keypoint_colormap="autumn", node_size=6.0, linewidth=3.0, ): """Plot a sequence of 3D poses. Parameters ---------- poses: array of shape (num_poses, num_bodyparts, 3) 3D poses to plot. edges: list of index pairs Skeleton edges. keypoint_colormap: str, default='autumn' Colormap to use for coloring keypoints. node_size: float, default=6.0 Size of keypoints. linewidth: float, default=3.0 Width of skeleton edges. """ fig = initialize_3D_plot() def visibility_mask(i): n = len(edges) + 1 visible = np.zeros(n * len(poses)) visible[n * i : n * (i + 1)] = 1 return visible > 0 steps = [] for i, pose in enumerate(poses): add_3D_pose_to_fig( fig, pose, edges, visible=(i == 0), keypoint_colormap=keypoint_colormap, node_size=node_size, linewidth=linewidth, ) steps.append( dict( method="update", label=f"Pose {i+1}", args=[{"visible": visibility_mask(i)}], ) ) fig.update_layout(sliders=[dict(steps=steps)])
[docs] def hierarchical_clustering_order(X, dist_metric="euclidean", linkage_method="ward"): """Linearly order a set of points using hierarchical clustering. Parameters ---------- X: ndarray of shape (num_points, num_features) Points to order. dist_metric: str, default='euclidean' Distance metric to use. linkage_method: str, default='ward' Linkage method to use. Returns ------- ordering: ndarray of shape (num_points,) Linear ordering of the points. """ D = pdist(X, dist_metric) Z = linkage(D, linkage_method) ordering = leaves_list(Z) return ordering
[docs] def plot_confusion_matrix( results1, results2, min_frequency=0.005, sort=True, normalize=True ): """Plot a confusion matrix that compares syllables across two models. Parameters ---------- results1: dict Dictionary containing modeling results for the first model (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.fitting.extract_results`). results2: dict Dictionary containing modeling results for the second model (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.fitting.extract_results`). min_frequency: float, default=0.005 Minimum frequency of a syllable to include in the confusion matrix. sort: bool, default=True Whether to sort the syllables from each model to emphasize the diagonal. normalize: bool, default=True Whether to row-normalize the confusion matrix. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib figure Figure containing the confusion matrix. ax: matplotlib axis Axis containing the confusion matrix. """ syllables1 = np.concatenate( [results1[k]["syllable"] for k in sorted(results1.keys())] ) syllables2 = np.concatenate( [results2[k]["syllable"] for k in sorted(results2.keys())] ) C = np.zeros((np.max(syllables1) + 1, np.max(syllables2) + 1)), (syllables1, syllables2), 1) if normalize: C = C / np.sum(C, axis=1, keepdims=True) ix1 = (get_frequencies(syllables1) > 0.005).nonzero()[0] ix2 = (get_frequencies(syllables2) > 0.005).nonzero()[0] C = C[ix1, :][:, ix2] if sort: row_order = hierarchical_clustering_order(C) C = C[row_order, :] ix1 = ix1[row_order] col_order = np.argsort(np.argmax(C, axis=0)) C = C[:, col_order] ix2 = ix2[col_order] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) im = ax.imshow(C) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(ix2))) ax.set_xticklabels(ix2) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(ix1))) ax.set_yticklabels(ix1) ax.set_xlabel("Model 2") ax.set_ylabel("Model 1") ax.set_title("Confusion matrix") cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) cbar.set_label("Probability") fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_eml_scores(eml_scores, eml_std_errs, model_names): """Plot expected marginal likelihood scores for a set of models. Parameters ---------- eml_scores: ndarray of shape (num_models,) EML score for each model. eml_std_errs: ndarray of shape (num_models,) Standard error of the EML score for each model. model_names: list of str Name of each model. """ num_models = len(eml_scores) ordering = np.argsort(eml_scores) eml_scores = eml_scores[ordering] eml_std_errs = eml_std_errs[ordering] model_names = [model_names[i] for i in ordering] err_low = eml_scores - eml_std_errs err_high = eml_scores + eml_std_errs fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 3.5)) for i in range(num_models): ax.plot([i, i], [err_low[i], err_high[i]], c="k", linewidth=1) ax.scatter(range(num_models), eml_scores, c="k") ax.set_xticks(range(num_models)) ax.set_xticklabels(model_names, rotation=90) ax.set_ylabel("EML score") plt.tight_layout() return fig, ax