Source code for

import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax
import re
import commentjson
import json
import numpy as np
import h5py
import joblib
import tqdm
import yaml
import os
import pandas as pd
from textwrap import fill
import sleap_io
from pynwb import NWBHDF5IO
from ndx_pose import PoseEstimation
from itertools import islice

from keypoint_moseq.util import list_files_with_exts, check_nan_proportions
from jax_moseq.utils import get_frequencies, unbatch

def _build_yaml(sections, comments):
    text_blocks = []
    for title, data in sections:
        centered_title = f" {title} ".center(50, "=")
        for key, value in data.items():
            text = yaml.dump({key: value}).strip("\n")
            if key in comments:
                text = f"\n{'#'} {comments[key]}\n{text}"
    return "\n".join(text_blocks)

def _get_path(project_dir, model_name, path, filename, pathname_for_error_msg="path"):
    if path is None:
        assert project_dir is not None and model_name is not None, fill(
            f"`model_name` and `project_dir` are required if `{pathname_for_error_msg}` is None."
        path = os.path.join(project_dir, model_name, filename)
    return path

[docs] def generate_config(project_dir, **kwargs): """Generate a `config.yml` file with project settings. Default settings will be used unless overriden by a keyword argument. Parameters ---------- project_dir: str A file `config.yml` will be generated in this directory. kwargs Custom project settings. """ def _update_dict(new, original): return {k: new[k] if k in new else v for k, v in original.items()} hypperams = _update_dict( kwargs, { "error_estimator": {"slope": -0.5, "intercept": 0.25}, "obs_hypparams": { "sigmasq_0": 0.1, "sigmasq_C": 0.1, "nu_sigma": 1e5, "nu_s": 5, }, "ar_hypparams": { "latent_dim": 10, "nlags": 3, "S_0_scale": 0.01, "K_0_scale": 10.0, }, "trans_hypparams": { "num_states": 100, "gamma": 1e3, "alpha": 5.7, "kappa": 1e6, }, "cen_hypparams": {"sigmasq_loc": 0.5}, }, ) hypperams = {k: _update_dict(kwargs, v) for k, v in hypperams.items()} anatomy = _update_dict( kwargs, { "bodyparts": ["BODYPART1", "BODYPART2", "BODYPART3"], "use_bodyparts": ["BODYPART1", "BODYPART2", "BODYPART3"], "skeleton": [ ["BODYPART1", "BODYPART2"], ["BODYPART2", "BODYPART3"], ], "anterior_bodyparts": ["BODYPART1"], "posterior_bodyparts": ["BODYPART3"], }, ) other = _update_dict( kwargs, { "recording_name_suffix": "", "verbose": False, "conf_pseudocount": 1e-3, "video_dir": "", "keypoint_colormap": "autumn", "whiten": True, "fix_heading": False, "seg_length": 10000, }, ) fitting = _update_dict( kwargs, { "added_noise_level": 0.1, "PCA_fitting_num_frames": 1000000, "conf_threshold": 0.5, # 'kappa_scan_target_duration': 12, # 'kappa_scan_min': 1e2, # 'kappa_scan_max': 1e12, # 'num_arhmm_scan_iters': 50, # 'num_arhmm_final_iters': 200, # 'num_kpslds_scan_iters': 50, # 'num_kpslds_final_iters': 500 }, ) comments = { "verbose": "whether to print progress messages during fitting", "keypoint_colormap": "colormap used for visualization; see `` for options", "added_noise_level": "upper bound of uniform noise added to the data during initial AR-HMM fitting; this is used to regularize the model", "PCA_fitting_num_frames": "number of frames used to fit the PCA model during initialization", "video_dir": "directory with videos from which keypoints were derived (used for crowd movies)", "recording_name_suffix": "suffix used to match videos to recording names; this can usually be left empty (see `util.find_matching_videos` for details)", "bodyparts": "used to access columns in the keypoint data", "skeleton": "used for visualization only", "use_bodyparts": "determines the subset of bodyparts to use for modeling and the order in which they are represented", "anterior_bodyparts": "used to initialize heading", "posterior_bodyparts": "used to initialize heading", "seg_length": "data are broken up into segments to parallelize fitting", "trans_hypparams": "transition hyperparameters", "ar_hypparams": "autoregressive hyperparameters", "obs_hypparams": "keypoint observation hyperparameters", "cen_hypparams": "centroid movement hyperparameters", "error_estimator": "parameters to convert neural net likelihoods to error size priors", "save_every_n_iters": "frequency for saving model snapshots during fitting; if 0 only final state is saved", "kappa_scan_target_duration": "target median syllable duration (in frames) for choosing kappa", "whiten": "whether to whiten principal components; used to initialize the latent pose trajectory `x`", "conf_threshold": "used to define outliers for interpolation when the model is initialized", "conf_pseudocount": "pseudocount used regularize neural network confidences", "fix_heading": "whether to keep the heading angle fixed; this should only be True if the pose is constrained to a narrow range of angles, e.g. a headfixed mouse.", } sections = [ ("ANATOMY", anatomy), ("FITTING", fitting), ("HYPER PARAMS", hypperams), ("OTHER", other), ] with open(os.path.join(project_dir, "config.yml"), "w") as f: f.write(_build_yaml(sections, comments))
[docs] def check_config_validity(config): """Check if the config is valid. To be valid, the config must satisfy the following criteria: - All the elements of `config["use_bodyparts"]` are also in `config["bodyparts"]` - All the elements of `config["anterior_bodyparts"]` are also in `config["use_bodyparts"]` - All the elements of `config["anterior_bodyparts"]` are also in `config["use_bodyparts"]` - For each pair in `config["skeleton"]`, both elements also in `config["bodyparts"]` Parameters ---------- config: dict Returns ------- validity: bool """ error_messages = [] # check anatomy for bodypart in config["use_bodyparts"]: if not bodypart in config["bodyparts"]: error_messages.append( f"ACTION REQUIRED: `use_bodyparts` contains {bodypart} " "which is not one of the options in `bodyparts`." ) for bodypart in sum(config["skeleton"], []): if not bodypart in config["bodyparts"]: error_messages.append( f"ACTION REQUIRED: `skeleton` contains {bodypart} " "which is not one of the options in `bodyparts`." ) for bodypart in config["anterior_bodyparts"]: if not bodypart in config["use_bodyparts"]: error_messages.append( f"ACTION REQUIRED: `anterior_bodyparts` contains {bodypart} " "which is not one of the options in `use_bodyparts`." ) for bodypart in config["posterior_bodyparts"]: if not bodypart in config["use_bodyparts"]: error_messages.append( f"ACTION REQUIRED: `posterior_bodyparts` contains {bodypart} " "which is not one of the options in `use_bodyparts`." ) if len(error_messages) == 0: return True for msg in error_messages: print(fill(msg, width=70, subsequent_indent=" "), end="\n\n") return False
[docs] def load_config(project_dir, check_if_valid=True, build_indexes=True): """Load a project config file. Parameters ---------- project_dir: str Directory containing the config file check_if_valid: bool, default=True Check if the config is valid using :py:func:`` build_indexes: bool, default=True Add keys `"anterior_idxs"` and `"posterior_idxs"` to the config. Each maps to a jax array indexing the elements of `config["anterior_bodyparts"]` and `config["posterior_bodyparts"]` by their order in `config["use_bodyparts"]` Returns ------- config: dict """ config_path = os.path.join(project_dir, "config.yml") with open(config_path, "r") as stream: config = yaml.safe_load(stream) if check_if_valid: check_config_validity(config) if build_indexes: config["anterior_idxs"] = jnp.array( [config["use_bodyparts"].index(bp) for bp in config["anterior_bodyparts"]] ) config["posterior_idxs"] = jnp.array( [config["use_bodyparts"].index(bp) for bp in config["posterior_bodyparts"]] ) if not "skeleton" in config or config["skeleton"] is None: config["skeleton"] = [] return config
[docs] def update_config(project_dir, **kwargs): """Update the config file stored at `project_dir/config.yml`. Use keyword arguments to update key/value pairs in the config. To update model hyperparameters, just use the name of the hyperparameter as the keyword argument. Examples -------- To update `video_dir` to `/path/to/videos`:: >>> update_config(project_dir, video_dir='/path/to/videos') >>> print(load_config(project_dir)['video_dir']) /path/to/videos To update `trans_hypparams['kappa']` to `100`:: >>> update_config(project_dir, kappa=100) >>> print(load_config(project_dir)['trans_hypparams']['kappa']) 100 """ config = load_config(project_dir, check_if_valid=False, build_indexes=False) config.update(kwargs) generate_config(project_dir, **config)
[docs] def setup_project( project_dir, deeplabcut_config=None, sleap_file=None, nwb_file=None, freipose_config=None, overwrite=False, **options, ): """ Setup a project directory with the following structure:: project_dir └── config.yml Parameters ---------- project_dir: str Path to the project directory (relative or absolute). deeplabcut_config: str, default=None Path to a deeplabcut config file. Will be used to initialize `bodyparts`, `skeleton`, `use_bodyparts` and `video_dir` in the keypoint MoSeq config (overrided by kwargs). sleap_file: str, default=None Path to a .hdf5 or .slp file containing predictions for one video. Will be used to initialize `bodyparts`, `skeleton`, and `use_bodyparts` in the keypoint MoSeq config (overrided by kwargs). nwb_file: str, default=None Path to a .nwb file containing predictions for one video. Will be used to initialize `bodyparts`, `skeleton`, and `use_bodyparts` in the keypoint MoSeq config. (overrided by kwargs). freipose_config: str, default=None Path to a freipose skeleton config file. Will be used to initialize `bodyparts`, `skeleton`, and `use_bodyparts` in the keypoint MoSeq config (overrided by kwargs). overwrite: bool, default=False Overwrite any config.yml that already exists at the path `{project_dir}/config.yml`. options Used to initialize config file. Overrides default settings. """ if os.path.exists(project_dir) and not overwrite: print( fill( f"The directory `{project_dir}` already exists. Use " "`overwrite=True` or pick a different name" ) ) return if deeplabcut_config is not None: dlc_options = {} with open(deeplabcut_config, "r") as stream: dlc_config = yaml.safe_load(stream) if dlc_config is None: raise RuntimeError( f"{deeplabcut_config} does not exists or is not a" " valid yaml file" ) if "multianimalproject" in dlc_config and dlc_config["multianimalproject"]: dlc_options["bodyparts"] = dlc_config["multianimalbodyparts"] dlc_options["use_bodyparts"] = dlc_config["multianimalbodyparts"] else: dlc_options["bodyparts"] = dlc_config["bodyparts"] dlc_options["use_bodyparts"] = dlc_config["bodyparts"] dlc_options["skeleton"] = dlc_config["skeleton"] dlc_options["video_dir"] = os.path.join( dlc_config["project_path"], "videos" ) options = {**dlc_options, **options} elif sleap_file is not None: sleap_options = {} if os.path.splitext(sleap_file)[1] == ".slp": slp_file = sleap_io.load_slp(sleap_file) assert len(slp_file.skeletons) == 1, fill( f"{sleap_file} contains more than one skeleton. " "This is not currently supported. Please " "open a github issue or email" ) skeleton = slp_file.skeletons[0] node_names = skeleton.node_names edge_names = [[,] for e in skeleton.edges] else: with h5py.File(sleap_file, "r") as f: node_names = [n.decode("utf-8") for n in f["node_names"]] edge_names = [ [n.decode("utf-8") for n in edge] for edge in f["edge_names"] ] sleap_options["bodyparts"] = node_names sleap_options["use_bodyparts"] = node_names sleap_options["skeleton"] = edge_names options = {**sleap_options, **options} elif nwb_file is not None: nwb_options = {} with NWBHDF5IO(nwb_file, mode="r", load_namespaces=True) as io: pose_obj = _load_nwb_pose_obj(io, nwb_file) bodyparts = list(pose_obj.nodes[:]) nwb_options["bodyparts"] = bodyparts nwb_options["use_bodyparts"] = bodyparts if "edges" in pose_obj.fields: edges = pose_obj.edges[:] skeleton = [[bodyparts[i], bodyparts[j]] for i, j in edges] nwb_options["skeleton"] = skeleton options = {**nwb_options, **options} elif freipose_config is not None: freipose_options = {} with open(freipose_config, "r") as stream: freipose_config = commentjson.load(stream) bodyparts = [kp for kp, color in freipose_config["keypoints"]] skeleton = [] for [bp1, bp2], color in freipose_config["limbs"]: if isinstance(bp1, list): bp1 = bp1[0] if isinstance(bp2, list): bp2 = bp2[0] skeleton.append(tuple(sorted([bodyparts[bp1], bodyparts[bp2]]))) freipose_options["bodyparts"] = bodyparts freipose_options["use_bodyparts"] = bodyparts freipose_options["skeleton"] = list(map(list, sorted(set(skeleton)))) options = {**freipose_options, **options} if not os.path.exists(project_dir): os.makedirs(project_dir) generate_config(project_dir, **options)
[docs] def save_pca(pca, project_dir, pca_path=None): """Save a PCA model to disk. The model is saved to `pca_path` or else to `{project_dir}/pca.p`. Parameters ---------- pca: :py:class:`sklearn.decomposition.PCA` project_dir: str pca_path: str, default=None """ if pca_path is None: pca_path = os.path.join(project_dir, "pca.p") joblib.dump(pca, pca_path)
[docs] def load_pca(project_dir, pca_path=None): """Load a PCA model from disk. The model is loaded from `pca_path` or else from `{project_dir}/pca.p`. Parameters ---------- project_dir: str pca_path: str, default=None Returns ------- pca: :py:class:`sklearn.decomposition.PCA` """ if pca_path is None: pca_path = os.path.join(project_dir, "pca.p") assert os.path.exists(pca_path), fill(f"No PCA model found at {pca_path}") return joblib.load(pca_path)
[docs] def load_checkpoint(project_dir=None, model_name=None, path=None, iteration=None): """Load data and model snapshot from a saved checkpoint. The checkpoint path can be specified directly via `path` or else it is assumed to be `{project_dir}/{model_name}/checkpoint.h5`. Parameters ---------- project_dir: str, default=None Project directory; used in conjunction with `model_name` to determine the checkpoint path if `path` is not specified. model_name: str, default=None Model name; used in conjunction with `project_dir` to determine the checkpoint path if `path` is not specified. path: str, default=None Checkpoint path; if not specified, the checkpoint path is set to `{project_dir}/{model_name}/checkpoint.h5`. iteration: int, default=None Determines which model snapshot to load. If None, the last snapshot is loaded. Returns ------- model: dict Model dictionary containing states, parameters, hyperparameters, noise prior, and random seed. data: dict Data dictionary containing observations, confidences, mask and associated metadata (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.util.format_data`). metadata: tuple (keys, bounds) Recordings and start/end frames for the data (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.util.format_data`). iteration: int Iteration of model fitting corresponding to the loaded snapshot. """ path = _get_path(project_dir, model_name, path, "checkpoint.h5") with h5py.File(path, "r") as f: saved_iterations = np.sort([int(i) for i in f["model_snapshots"]]) if iteration is None: iteration = saved_iterations[-1] else: assert iteration in saved_iterations, fill( f"No snapshot found for iteration {iteration}. " f"Available iterations are {saved_iterations}" ) model = load_hdf5(path, f"model_snapshots/{iteration}") metadata = load_hdf5(path, "metadata") data = load_hdf5(path, "data") return model, data, metadata, iteration
[docs] def reindex_syllables_in_checkpoint( project_dir=None, model_name=None, path=None, index=None, runlength=True ): """Reindex syllable labels by their frequency in the most recent model snapshot in a checkpoint file. This is an in-place operation: the checkpoint is loaded from disk, modified and saved to disk again. The label permutation is applied to all model snapshots in the checkpoint. The checkpoint path can be specified directly via `path` or else it is assumed to be `{project_dir}/{model_name}/checkpoint.h5`. Parameters ---------- project_dir: str, default=None model_name: str, default=None path: str, default=None index: array of shape (num_states,), default=None Permutation for syllable labels, where `index[i]` is relabled as `i`. If None, syllables are relabled by frequency, with the most frequent syllable relabled as 0, and so on. runlength: bool, default=True If True, frequencies are quantified using the number of non-consecutive occurrences of each syllable. If False, frequency is quantified by total number of frames. Returns ------- index: array of shape (num_states,) The index used for permuting syllable labels. If `index[i] = j`, then the syllable formerly labeled `j` is now labeled `i`. """ path = _get_path(project_dir, model_name, path, "checkpoint.h5") with h5py.File(path, "r") as f: saved_iterations = [int(i) for i in f["model_snapshots"]] if index is None: with h5py.File(path, "r") as f: last_iter = np.max(saved_iterations) num_states = f[f"model_snapshots/{last_iter}/params/pi"].shape[0] z = f[f"model_snapshots/{last_iter}/states/z"][()] mask = f["data/mask"][()] index = np.argsort(get_frequencies(z, mask, num_states, runlength))[::-1] def _reindex(model): model["params"]["betas"] = model["params"]["betas"][index] model["params"]["pi"] = model["params"]["pi"][index, :][:, index] model["params"]["Ab"] = model["params"]["Ab"][index] model["params"]["Q"] = model["params"]["Q"][index] model["states"]["z"] = np.argsort(index)[model["states"]["z"]] return model for iteration in tqdm.tqdm( saved_iterations, desc="Reindexing", unit="model snapshot", ncols=72 ): model = load_hdf5(path, f"model_snapshots/{iteration}") save_hdf5(path, _reindex(model), f"model_snapshots/{iteration}") return index
[docs] def extract_results( model, metadata, project_dir=None, model_name=None, save_results=True, path=None, ): """Extract model outputs and [optionally] save them to disk. Model outputs are saved to disk as a .h5 file, either at `path` if it is specified, or at `{project_dir}/{model_name}/results.h5` if it is not. If a .h5 file with the given path already exists, the outputs will be added to it. The results have the following structure:: results.h5 ├──recording_name1 │ ├──syllable # model state sequence (z), shape=(num_timepoints,) │ ├──latent_state # model latent state (x), shape=(num_timepoints,latent_dim) │ ├──centroid # model centroid (v), shape=(num_timepoints,keypoint_dim) │ └──heading # model heading (h), shape=(num_timepoints,) Parameters ---------- model : dict Model dictionary containing states, parameters, hyperparameters, noise prior, and random seed. metadata: tuple (keys, bounds) Recordings and start/end frames for the data (see :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.util.format_data`). save_results : bool, default=True If True, the model outputs will be saved to disk. project_dir : str, default=None Path to the project directory. Required if `save_results=True` and `results_path=None`. model_name : str, default=None Name of the model. Required if `save_results=True` and `results_path=None`. path : str, default=None Optional path for saving model outputs. Returns ------- results_dict : dict Dictionary of model outputs with the same structure as the results `.h5` file. """ if save_results: path = _get_path(project_dir, model_name, path, "results.h5") states = jax.device_get(model["states"]) # extract syllables; repeat first syllable an extra `nlags` times nlags = states["x"].shape[1] - states["z"].shape[1] z = np.pad(states["z"], ((0, 0), (nlags, 0)), mode="edge") syllables = unbatch(z, *metadata) # extract latent state, centroid, and heading latent_state = unbatch(states["x"], *metadata) centroid = unbatch(states["v"], *metadata) heading = unbatch(states["h"], *metadata) results_dict = { recording_name: { "syllable": syllables[recording_name], "latent_state": latent_state[recording_name], "centroid": centroid[recording_name], "heading": heading[recording_name], } for recording_name in syllables.keys() } if save_results: save_hdf5(path, results_dict) print(fill(f"Saved results to {path}")) return results_dict
[docs] def load_results(project_dir=None, model_name=None, path=None): """Load the results from a modeled dataset. The results path can be specified directly via `path`. Otherwise it is assumed to be `{project_dir}/{model_name}/results.h5`. Parameters ---------- project_dir: str, default=None model_name: str, default=None path: str, default=None Returns ------- results: dict See :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.fitting.apply_model` """ path = _get_path(project_dir, model_name, path, "results.h5") return load_hdf5(path)
[docs] def save_results_as_csv( results, project_dir=None, model_name=None, save_dir=None, path_sep="-" ): """Save modeling results to csv format. This function creates a directory and then saves a separate csv file for each recording. The directory is created at `save_dir` if provided, otherwise at `{project_dir}/{model_name}/results`. Parameters ---------- results: dict See :py:func:``. project_dir: str, default=None Project directory; required if `save_dir` is not provided. model_name: str, default=None Name of the model; required if `save_dir` is not provided. save_dir: str, default=None Optional path to the directory where the csv files will be saved. path_sep: str, default='-' If a path separator ("/" or "\") is present in the recording name, it will be replaced with `path_sep` when saving the csv file. """ save_dir = _get_path(project_dir, model_name, save_dir, "results", "save_dir") if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) for key in tqdm.tqdm(results.keys(), desc="Saving to csv", ncols=72): column_names, data = [], [] if "syllable" in results[key].keys(): column_names.append(["syllable"]) data.append(results[key]["syllable"].reshape(-1, 1)) if "centroid" in results[key].keys(): d = results[key]["centroid"].shape[1] column_names.append(["centroid x", "centroid y", "centroid z"][:d]) data.append(results[key]["centroid"]) if "heading" in results[key].keys(): column_names.append(["heading"]) data.append(results[key]["heading"].reshape(-1, 1)) if "latent_state" in results[key].keys(): latent_dim = results[key]["latent_state"].shape[1] column_names.append([f"latent_state {i}" for i in range(latent_dim)]) data.append(results[key]["latent_state"]) dfs = [pd.DataFrame(arr, columns=cols) for arr, cols in zip(data, column_names)] df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1) for col in df.select_dtypes(include=[np.floating]).columns: df[col] = df[col].astype(float).round(4) save_name = key.replace(os.path.sep, path_sep) save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, save_name) df.to_csv(f"{save_path}.csv", index=False)
def _name_from_path(filepath, path_in_name, path_sep, remove_extension): """Create a name from a filepath. Either return the name of the file (with the extension removed) or return the full filepath, where the path separators are replaced with `path_sep`. """ if remove_extension: filepath = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] if path_in_name: return filepath.replace(os.path.sep, path_sep) else: return os.path.basename(filepath)
[docs] def save_keypoints( save_dir, coordinates, confidences=None, bodyparts=None, path_sep="-" ): """Convenience function for saving keypoint detections to csv files. One csv file is saved for each recording in `coordinates`. Each row in the csv corresponds to one frame and the columns are named "BODYPART1_x", "BODYPART1_y", "BODYPART1_conf", "BODYPART2_x", ... Columns with confidence scores are ommitted if `confidences` is not provided. Besides confidences, there can be 2 or 3 columns for each bodypart, depending on whether the keypoints are 2D or 3D. Parameters ---------- save_dir: str Directory to save the results. A separate csv file will be saved for each recording in `coordinates`. coordinates: dict Dictionary mapping recording names to numpy arrays of shape (n_frames, n_keypoints, 2[or 3]) that contain the x and y (and z) coordinates of the keypoints. If any keys contain a path separator (such as "/"), it will be replaced with `path_sep` when naming the csv file. confidences: dict, default=None Dictionary mapping recording names to numpy arrays of shape (n_frames, n_keypoints) with the confidence scores of the keypoints. Must have the same keys as `coordinates`. bodyparts: list, default=None List of bodypart names, in the same order as the keypoints in the `coordinates` and `confidences` arrays. If None, the bodypart names will be set to ["bodypart1", "bodypart2", ...]. path_sep: str, default='-' If a path separator ("/" or "\") is present in the recording name, it will be replaced with `path_sep` when saving the csv file. """ if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) if confidences is not None: assert set(coordinates.keys()) == set(confidences.keys()), fill( "The keys in `coordinates` and `confidences` must be the same." ) # get number of keypoints and dimensions _, num_keypoints, num_dims = next(iter(coordinates.values())).shape # generate bodypart names if not provided if bodyparts is None: bodyparts = [f"bodypart{i}" for i in range(num_keypoints)] # create column names suffixes = ["x", "y", "z"][:num_keypoints] if confidences is not None: suffixes += ["conf"] columns = [f"{bp}_{suffix}" for bp in bodyparts for suffix in suffixes] # save data to csv for recording_name, coords in coordinates.items(): if confidences is not None: data = np.concatenate( [coords, confidences[recording_name][..., np.newaxis]], axis=-1 ).reshape(-1, (num_dims + 1) * num_keypoints) else: data = coords.reshape(-1, num_dims * num_keypoints) save_name = recording_name.replace(os.path.sep, path_sep) save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, save_name) pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns).to_csv(f"{save_path}.csv", index=False)
[docs] def load_keypoints( filepath_pattern, format, extension=None, recursive=True, path_sep="-", path_in_name=False, remove_extension=True, exclude_individuals=["single"], ): """ Load keypoint tracking results from one or more files. Several file formats are supported: - deeplabcut .csv and .h5/.hdf5 files generated by deeplabcut. For single-animal tracking, each file yields a single key/value pair in the returned `coordinates` and `confidences` dictionaries. For multi-animal tracking, a key/vaue pair will be generated for each tracked individual. For example the file `two_mice.h5` with individuals "mouseA" and "mouseB" will yield the pair of keys `'two_mice_mouseA', 'two_mice_mouseB'`. - sleap .slp and .h5/.hdf5 files generated by sleap. For single-animal tracking, each file yields a single key/value pair in the returned `coordinates` and `confidences` dictionaries. For multi-animal tracking, a key/vaue pair will be generated for each track. For example a single file called `two_mice.h5` will yield the pair of keys `'two_mice_track0', 'two_mice_track1'`. - anipose .csv files generated by anipose. Each file should contain five columns per keypoint (x,y,z,error,score), plus a last column with the frame number. The `score` column is used as the keypoint confidence. - sleap-anipose .h5/.hdf5 files generated by sleap-anipose. Each file should contain a dataset called `'tracks'` with shape (n_frames, 1, n_keypoints, 3). If there is also a `'point_scores'` dataset, it will be used as the keypoint confidence. Otherwise, the confidence will be set to 1. - nwb .nwb files (Neurodata Without Borders). Each file should contain exactly one `PoseEstimation` object (for multi-animal tracking, each animal should be stored in its own .nwb file). The `PoseEstimation` object should contain one `PoseEstimationSeries` object for each bodypart. Confidence values are optional and will be set to 1 if not present. - facemap .h5 files saved by Facemap. See Facemap documentation for details: The files should have the format:: [filename].h5 └──Facemap ├──keypoint1 │ ├──x │ ├──y │ └──likelihood - freipose .json files saved by FreiPose. Each file should contain a list of dicts that each include a "kp_xyz" key with the 3D coordinates for one frame. Keypoint scores (saved under "kp_score") are not loaded because they are not bounded between 0 and 1, which is required for modeling. Since FreiPose does not save the bodypart names, the `bodyparts` return value is set to None. Parameters ---------- filepath_pattern: str or list of str Filepath pattern for a set of deeplabcut csv or hdf5 files, or a list of such patterns. Filepath patterns can be: - single file (e.g. `/path/to/file.csv`) - single directory (e.g. `/path/to/dir/`) - set of files (e.g. `/path/to/fileprefix*`) - set of directories (e.g. `/path/to/dirprefix*`) format: str Format of the files to load. Must be one of `deeplabcut`, `sleap`, `anipose`, or `sleap-anipose`. extension: str, default=None File extension to use when searching for files. If None, then the extension will be inferred from the `format` argument: - sleap: 'h5' or 'slp' - deeplabcut: 'csv' or 'h5' - anipose: 'csv' - sleap-anipose: 'h5' - nwb: 'nwb' - facemap: 'h5' - freipose: 'json' recursive: bool, default=True Whether to search recursively for deeplabcut csv or hdf5 files. path_in_name: bool, default=False Whether to name the tracking results from each file by the path to the file (True) or just the filename (False). If True, the `path_sep` argument is used to separate the path components. path_sep: str, default='-' Separator to use when `path_in_name` is True. For example, if `path_sep` is `'-'`, then the tracking results from the file `/path/to/file.csv` will be named `path-to-file`. Using `'/'` as the separator is discouraged, as it will cause problems saving/loading the modeling results to/from hdf5 files. remove_extension: bool, default=True Whether to remove the file extension when naming the tracking results from each file. exclude_individuals: list of str, default=["single"] List of individuals to exclude from the results. This is only used for multi-animal tracking with deeplabcut. Returns ------- coordinates: dict Dictionary mapping filenames to keypoint coordinates as ndarrays of shape (n_frames, n_bodyparts, 2[or 3]) confidences: dict Dictionary mapping filenames to `likelihood` scores as ndarrays of shape (n_frames, n_bodyparts) bodyparts: list of str List of bodypart names. The order of the names matches the order of the bodyparts in `coordinates` and `confidences`. """ formats = { "deeplabcut": (_deeplabcut_loader, [".csv", ".h5", ".hdf5"]), "sleap": (_sleap_loader, [".h5", ".hdf5", ".slp"]), "anipose": (_anipose_loader, [".csv"]), "sleap-anipose": (_sleap_anipose_loader, [".h5", ".hdf5"]), "nwb": (_nwb_loader, [".nwb"]), "facemap": (_facemap_loader, [".h5", ".hdf5"]), "freipose": (_freipose_loader, [".json"]), } # get format-specific loader and extensions assert format in formats, fill( f"Unrecognized format {format}. Must be one of {list(formats.keys())}" ) loader, extensions = formats[format] # optionally override default extension list if extension is not None: extensions = [extension] # optionally add format-specific arguments if format == "deeplabcut": additional_args = {"exclude_individuals": exclude_individuals} else: additional_args = {} # get list of filepaths filepaths = list_files_with_exts(filepath_pattern, extensions, recursive=recursive) assert len(filepaths) > 0, fill( f"No files with extensions {extensions} found for {filepath_pattern}" ) # load keypoints from each file coordinates, confidences, bodyparts = {}, {}, None for filepath in tqdm.tqdm(filepaths, desc=f"Loading keypoints", ncols=72): try: name = _name_from_path(filepath, path_in_name, path_sep, remove_extension) new_coordinates, new_confidences, bodyparts = loader( filepath, name, **additional_args ) if set(new_coordinates.keys()) & set(coordinates.keys()): raise ValueError( f"Duplicate names found in {filepath_pattern}:\n\n" f"{set(new_coordinates.keys()) & set(coordinates.keys())}" f"\n\nThis may be caused by repeated filenames with " "different extensions. If so, please set the extension " "explicitly via the `extension` argument. Another possible" " cause is commonly-named files in different directories. " "if that is the case, then set `path_in_name=True`." ) except Exception as e: print(fill(f"Error loading {filepath}: {e}")) coordinates.update(new_coordinates) confidences.update(new_confidences) # check for valid results assert len(coordinates) > 0, fill(f"No valid results found for {filepath_pattern}") check_nan_proportions(coordinates, bodyparts) return coordinates, confidences, bodyparts
def _deeplabcut_loader(filepath, name, exclude_individuals=["single"]): """Load tracking results from deeplabcut csv or hdf5 files.""" ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1] if ext == ".h5": df = pd.read_hdf(filepath) if ext == ".csv": with open(filepath) as f: head = list(islice(f, 0, 5)) if "individuals" in head[1]: header = [0, 1, 2, 3] else: header = [0, 1, 2] df = pd.read_csv(filepath, header=header, index_col=0) coordinates, confidences = {}, {} if "individuals" in df.columns.names: ind_bodyparts = {} for ind in df.columns.get_level_values("individuals").unique(): if ind in exclude_individuals: print( f'Excluding individual: "{ind}". Set `exclude_individuals=[]` to include.' ) else: ind_df = df.xs(ind, axis=1, level="individuals") bps = ind_df.columns.get_level_values("bodyparts").unique().tolist() ind_bodyparts[ind] = bps arr = ind_df.to_numpy().reshape(len(ind_df), -1, 3) coordinates[f"{name}_{ind}"] = arr[:, :, :-1] confidences[f"{name}_{ind}"] = arr[:, :, -1] bodyparts = set(ind_bodyparts[list(ind_bodyparts.keys())[0]]) assert all([set(bps) == bodyparts for bps in ind_bodyparts.values()]), ( f"Bodyparts are not consistent across individuals. The following bodyparts " f"were found for each individual: {ind_bodyparts}. Use `exclude_individuals`" "to exclude specific individuals." ) else: bodyparts = df.columns.get_level_values("bodyparts").unique().tolist() arr = df.to_numpy().reshape(len(df), -1, 3) coordinates[name] = arr[:, :, :-1] confidences[name] = arr[:, :, -1] return coordinates, confidences, bodyparts def _sleap_loader(filepath, name): """Load keypoints from sleap hdf5 or slp files.""" if os.path.splitext(filepath)[1] == ".slp": slp_file = sleap_io.load_slp(filepath) assert len(slp_file.skeletons) == 1, fill( f"{filepath} contains more than one skeleton. " "This is not currently supported. Please " "open a github issue or email" ) bodyparts = slp_file.skeletons[0].node_names arr = slp_file.numpy(return_confidence=True) coords = arr[:, :, :-1] confs = arr[:, :, -1] else: with h5py.File(filepath, "r") as f: coords = f["tracks"][()] confs = f["point_scores"][()] bodyparts = [name.decode("utf-8") for name in f["node_names"]] if coords.shape[0] == 1: coordinates = {name: coords[0].T} confidences = {name: confs[0].T} else: coordinates = {f"{name}_track{i}": coords[i].T for i in range(coords.shape[0])} confidences = {f"{name}_track{i}": confs[i].T for i in range(coords.shape[0])} return coordinates, confidences, bodyparts def _anipose_loader(filepath, name): """Load keypoints from anipose csv files.""" with open(filepath, "r") as f: header = f.readline() pattern = r"(?P<string>\w+)_x,(?P=string)_y,(?P=string)_z" bodyparts = list(re.findall(pattern, header)) df = pd.read_csv(filepath) coordinates = { name: np.stack( [df[[f"{bp}_x", f"{bp}_y", f"{bp}_z"]].to_numpy() for bp in bodyparts], axis=1, ) } confidences = {name: df[[f"{bp}_score" for bp in bodyparts]].to_numpy()} return coordinates, confidences, bodyparts def _sleap_anipose_loader(filepath, name): """Load keypoints from sleap-anipose hdf5 files.""" with h5py.File(filepath, "r") as f: coords = f["tracks"][()] if "point_scores" in f.keys(): confs = f["point_scores"][()] else: confs = np.ones_like(coords[..., 0]) bodyparts = ["bodypart{}".format(i) for i in range(coords.shape[2])] if coords.shape[1] == 1: coordinates = {name: coords[:, 0]} confidences = {name: confs[:, 0]} else: coordinates = { f"{name}_track{i}": coords[:, i] for i in range(coords.shape[1]) } confidences = { f"{name}_track{i}": confs[:, i] for i in range(coords.shape[1]) } return coordinates, confidences, bodyparts def _load_nwb_pose_obj(io, filepath): """Grab PoseEstimation object from an opened .nwb file.""" all_objs = pose_objs = [o for o in all_objs if isinstance(o, PoseEstimation)] assert len(pose_objs) > 0, fill(f"No PoseEstimation objects found in {filepath}") assert len(pose_objs) == 1, fill( f"Found multiple PoseEstimation objects in {filepath}. " "This is not currently supported. Please open a github " "issue to request this feature." ) pose_obj = pose_objs[0] return pose_obj def _nwb_loader(filepath, name): """Load keypoints from nwb files.""" with NWBHDF5IO(filepath, mode="r", load_namespaces=True) as io: pose_obj = _load_nwb_pose_obj(io, filepath) bodyparts = list(pose_obj.nodes[:]) coords = np.stack( [pose_obj.pose_estimation_series[bp].data[()] for bp in bodyparts], axis=1, ) if "confidence" in pose_obj.pose_estimation_series[bodyparts[0]].fields: confs = np.stack( [ pose_obj.pose_estimation_series[bp].confidence[()] for bp in bodyparts ], axis=1, ) else: confs = np.ones_like(coords[..., 0]) coordinates = {name: coords} confidences = {name: confs} return coordinates, confidences, bodyparts def _facemap_loader(filepath, name): """Load keypoints from facemap h5 files.""" with h5py.File(filepath, "r") as h5: dset = h5["Facemap"] bodyparts = sorted(dset.keys()) coords, confs = [], [] for bp in bodyparts: coords.append(np.stack([dset[bp]["x"], dset[bp]["y"]], axis=1)) confs.append(dset[bp]["likelihood"]) coordinates = {name: np.stack(coords, axis=1)} confidences = {name: np.stack(confs, axis=1)} return coordinates, confidences, bodyparts def _freipose_loader(filepath, name): """Load keypoints from freipose json files.""" with open(filepath, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) coords = np.concatenate([d["kp_xyz"] for d in data], axis=0) coordinates = {name: coords} confidences = {name: np.ones_like(coords[..., 0])} return coordinates, confidences, None
[docs] def save_hdf5(filepath, save_dict, datapath=None): """Save a dict of pytrees to an hdf5 file. The leaves of the pytrees must be numpy arrays, scalars, or strings. Parameters ---------- filepath: str Path of the hdf5 file to create. save_dict: dict Dictionary where the values are pytrees, i.e. recursive collections of tuples, lists, dicts, and numpy arrays. datapath: str, default=None Path within the hdf5 file to save the data. If None, the data is saved at the root of the hdf5 file. """ with h5py.File(filepath, "a") as f: if datapath is not None: _savetree_hdf5(jax.device_get(save_dict), f, datapath) else: for k, tree in save_dict.items(): _savetree_hdf5(jax.device_get(tree), f, k)
[docs] def load_hdf5(filepath, datapath=None): """Load a dict of pytrees from an hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- filepath: str Path of the hdf5 file to load. datapath: str, default=None Path within the hdf5 file to load the data from. If None, the data is loaded from the root of the hdf5 file. Returns ------- save_dict: dict Dictionary where the values are pytrees, i.e. recursive collections of tuples, lists, dicts, and numpy arrays. """ with h5py.File(filepath, "r") as f: if datapath is None: return {k: _loadtree_hdf5(f[k]) for k in f} else: return _loadtree_hdf5(f[datapath])
def _savetree_hdf5(tree, group, name): """Recursively save a pytree to an h5 file group.""" if name in group: del group[name] if isinstance(tree, np.ndarray): if tree.dtype.kind == "U": dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) group.create_dataset(name, data=tree.astype(object), dtype=dt) else: group.create_dataset(name, data=tree) elif isinstance(tree, (float, int, str)): group.create_dataset(name, data=tree) else: subgroup = group.create_group(name) subgroup.attrs["type"] = type(tree).__name__ if isinstance(tree, (tuple, list)): for k, subtree in enumerate(tree): _savetree_hdf5(subtree, subgroup, f"arr{k}") elif isinstance(tree, dict): for k, subtree in tree.items(): _savetree_hdf5(subtree, subgroup, k) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized type {type(tree)}") def _loadtree_hdf5(leaf): """Recursively load a pytree from an h5 file group.""" if isinstance(leaf, h5py.Dataset): data = np.array(leaf[()]) if h5py.check_dtype(vlen=data.dtype) == str: data = np.array([item.decode("utf-8") for item in data]) elif data.dtype.kind == "S": data = data.item().decode("utf-8") elif data.shape == (): data = data.item() return data else: leaf_type = leaf.attrs["type"] values = map(_loadtree_hdf5, leaf.values()) if leaf_type == "dict": return dict(zip(leaf.keys(), values)) elif leaf_type == "list": return list(values) elif leaf_type == "tuple": return tuple(values) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized type {leaf_type}")