Source code for keypoint_moseq.fitting

import os
import numpy as np
import tqdm
import h5py
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import warnings
from textwrap import fill
from datetime import datetime

from keypoint_moseq.viz import plot_progress
from import save_hdf5, extract_results, load_checkpoint
from jax_moseq.models import allo_keypoint_slds, keypoint_slds
from jax_moseq.models.arhmm import stateseq_marginals, marginal_log_likelihood
from jax_moseq.utils.autoregression import get_nlags
from jax_moseq.utils import check_for_nans, device_put_as_scalar, unbatch

[docs] class StopResampling(Exception): pass
def _wrapped_resample(resample_func, data, model, pbar=None, **resample_options): try: model = resample_func(data, **model, **resample_options) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Early termination of fitting: user interruption") raise StopResampling() any_nans, nan_info, messages = check_for_nans(model) if any_nans: if pbar is not None: pbar.close() warning_text = ["\nEarly termination of fitting: NaNs encountered"] for msg in messages: warning_text.append(" - {}".format(msg)) warning_text.append( "\nFor additional information, see" ) warnings.warn("\n".join(warning_text)) raise StopResampling() return model def _set_parallel_flag(parallel_message_passing): if parallel_message_passing == "force": parallel_message_passing = True elif parallel_message_passing is None: parallel_message_passing = jax.default_backend() != "cpu" elif parallel_message_passing and jax.default_backend() == "cpu": warnings.warn( fill( "Setting parallel_message_passing to True when JAX is CPU-bound can " "result in long jit times without speed increase for calculations. " '(To suppress this message, set parallel_message_passing="force")' ) ) return parallel_message_passing
[docs] def init_model( *args, location_aware=False, allo_hypparams=None, trans_hypparams=None, **kwargs ): """Initialize a model. Wrapper for `jax_moseq.models.keypoint_slds.init_model` and `jax_moseq.models.allo_keypoint_slds.init_model`. Parameters ---------- location_aware : bool, default=False If True, the model will be initialized using the location-aware version of the keypoint-SLDS model (`jax_moseq.models.allo_keypoint_slds`). allo_hypparams : dict, default=None Hyperparameters for the `allo_keypoint_slds` model. If None, default hyperparameters will be used. Returns ------- model : dict Model dictionary containing states, parameters, hyperparameters, noise prior, and random seed. """ if location_aware: num_states = trans_hypparams["num_states"] allo_hypparams = { "alpha0_v": 10, "beta0_v": 0.1, "lambda0_v": 1, "alpha0_h": 10, "beta0_h": 0.1, "lambda0_h": 1, "num_states": num_states, } return allo_keypoint_slds.init_model( *args, allo_hypparams=allo_hypparams, trans_hypparams=trans_hypparams, **kwargs, ) else: return keypoint_slds.init_model( *args, trans_hypparams=trans_hypparams, **kwargs )
[docs] def fit_model( model, data, metadata, project_dir=None, model_name=None, num_iters=50, start_iter=0, verbose=False, ar_only=False, parallel_message_passing=None, jitter=0.001, generate_progress_plots=True, save_every_n_iters=25, location_aware=False, **kwargs, ): """Fit a model to data. This method optionally: - saves checkpoints of the model and data at regular intervals - plots of the model's progress during fitting (see :py:func:`jax_moseq.viz.plot_progress`) Note that if a checkpoint file already exists, all model snapshots after `start_iter` will be deleted. Parameters ---------- model : dict Model dictionary containing states, parameters, hyperparameters, noise prior, and random seed. data: dict Data for model fitting (see :py:func:``). metadata: tuple (keys, bounds) Recordings and start/end frames for the data (see :py:func:``). project_dir : str, default=None Project directory; required if `save_every_n_iters>0`. model_name : str, default=None Name of the model. If None, the model is named using the current date and time. num_iters : int, default=50 Number of Gibbs sampling iterations to run. start_iter : int, default=0 Index of the starting iteration, which is non-zero when continuing a previous fit. verbose : bool, default=True If True, print the model's progress during fitting. ar_only : bool, default=False If True, fit an AR-HMM model using the latent trajectory defined by `model['states']['x']` (see :py:func:`jax_moseq.models.arhmm.resample_model`). Otherwise fit a full keypoint-SLDS model (see :py:func:`jax_moseq.models.keypoint_slds.resample_model`) save_every_n_iters : int, default=25 Save the current model every `save_every_n_iters`. To only save the final model, set `save_every_n_iter=-1`. To save nothing, set `save_every_n_iters=None`. generate_progress_plots : bool, default=True If True, generate plots of the model's progress during fitting. Plots are saved to `{project_dir}/{model_name}/plots/`. parallel_message_passing : bool | string, default=None, Use parallel implementation of Kalman sampling, which can be faster but has a significantly longer jit time. If None, will be set automatically based on the backend (True for GPU, False for CPU). A warning will be raised if `parallel_message_passing=True` and JAX is CPU-bound. Set to 'force' to skip this check. jitter : float, default=0.001 Amount to boost the diagonal of the dynamics covariance matrix when resampling pose trajectories. Increasing this value can help prevent NaNs during fitting. location_aware : bool, default=False If True, the model will be fit using the location-aware version of the keypoint-SLDS model (`jax_moseq.models.allo_keypoint_slds`). Returns ------- model : dict Model dictionary containing states, parameters, hyperparameters, noise prior, and random seed. model_name : str Name of the model. """ if generate_progress_plots and save_every_n_iters == 0: warnings.warn( fill( "The `generate_progress_plots` option requires that " "`save_every_n_iters` be greater than 0. Progress plots will " "not be generated." ) ) generate_progress_plots = False if model_name is None: model_name = str("%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S")) if save_every_n_iters is not None: savedir = os.path.join(project_dir, model_name) if not os.path.exists(savedir): os.makedirs(savedir) print(fill(f"Outputs will be saved to {savedir}")) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(savedir, "checkpoint.h5") if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_path): save_hdf5( checkpoint_path, { "model_snapshots": {f"{start_iter}": model}, "metadata": metadata, "data": data, }, ) else: # delete model snapshots later than start_iter with h5py.File(checkpoint_path, "a") as f: for k in list(f["model_snapshots"].keys()): if int(k) > start_iter: del f["model_snapshots"][k] parallel_message_passing = _set_parallel_flag(parallel_message_passing) model = device_put_as_scalar(model) if location_aware: resample_func = allo_keypoint_slds.resample_model else: resample_func = keypoint_slds.resample_model with tqdm.trange(start_iter, num_iters + 1, ncols=72) as pbar: for iteration in pbar: try: model = _wrapped_resample( resample_func, data, model, pbar=pbar, ar_only=ar_only, verbose=verbose, jitter=jitter, parallel_message_passing=parallel_message_passing, ) except StopResampling: break if save_every_n_iters is not None and iteration > start_iter: if iteration == num_iters or ( save_every_n_iters > 0 and iteration % save_every_n_iters == 0 ): save_hdf5(checkpoint_path, model, f"model_snapshots/{iteration}") if generate_progress_plots: plot_progress( model, data, checkpoint_path, iteration, project_dir, model_name, savefig=True, ) return model, model_name
[docs] def apply_model( model, data, metadata, project_dir=None, model_name=None, num_iters=500, ar_only=False, save_results=True, verbose=False, results_path=None, parallel_message_passing=None, return_model=False, location_aware=False, **kwargs, ): """Apply a model to new data. Parameters ---------- model : dict Model dictionary containing states, parameters, hyperparameters, noise prior, and random seed. data: dict Data for model fitting (see :py:func:``). metadata: tuple (keys, bounds) Recordings and start/end frames for the data (see :py:func:``). project_dir : str, default=None Path to the project directory. Required if `save_results=True` and `results_path=None`. model_name : str, default=None Name of the model. Required if `save_results=True` and `results_path=None`. num_iters : int, default=500 Number of iterations to run the model. ar_only : bool, default=False See :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.fitting.fit_model`. save_results : bool, default=True If True, the model outputs will be saved to disk (see :py:func:`` for the output format). verbose : bool, default=False Whether to print progress updates. results_path : str, default=None Optional path for saving model outputs. parallel_message_passing : bool | string, default=None, Use parallel implementation of Kalman sampling, which can be faster but has a significantly longer jit time. If None, will be set automatically based on the backend (True for GPU, False for CPU). A warning will be raised if `parallel_message_passing=True` and JAX is CPU-bound. Set to 'force' to skip this check. return_model : bool, default=False Whether to return the model after fitting. location_aware : bool, default=False If True, the model will be fit using the location-aware version of the keypoint-SLDS model (`jax_moseq.models.allo_keypoint_slds`). Returns ------- results : dict Dictionary of model outputs (for results format, see :py:func:``). model : dict Model dictionary containing states, parameters, hyperparameters, noise prior, and random seed. Only returned if `return_model=True`. """ parallel_message_passing = _set_parallel_flag(parallel_message_passing) data = jax.device_put(data) if save_results: if results_path is None: assert project_dir is not None and model_name is not None, fill( "The `save_results` option requires either a `results_path` " "or the `project_dir` and `model_name` arguments" ) results_path = os.path.join(project_dir, model_name, "results.h5") model = init_model( data=data, seed=model["seed"], params=model["params"], hypparams=model["hypparams"], location_aware=location_aware, **kwargs, ) if location_aware: resample_func = allo_keypoint_slds.resample_model else: resample_func = keypoint_slds.resample_model with tqdm.trange(num_iters, desc="Applying model", ncols=72) as pbar: for iteration in pbar: try: model = _wrapped_resample( resample_func, data, model, pbar=pbar, ar_only=ar_only, states_only=True, verbose=verbose, parallel_message_passing=parallel_message_passing, ) except StopResampling: break results = extract_results( model, metadata, project_dir, model_name, save_results, results_path ) if return_model: return results, model else: return results
[docs] def estimate_syllable_marginals( model, data, metadata, burn_in_iters=200, num_samples=100, steps_per_sample=10, return_samples=False, verbose=False, parallel_message_passing=None, location_aware=False, **kwargs, ): """Estimate marginal distributions over syllables. Parameters ---------- model : dict Model dictionary containing states, parameters, hyperparameters, noise prior, and random seed. data: dict Data for model fitting (see :py:func:``). metadata: tuple (keys, bounds) Recordings and start/end frames for the data (see :py:func:``). burn_in_iters : int, default=200 Number of resampling iterations to run before collecting samples. num_samples : int, default=100 Number of samples to collect for marginalization. steps_per_sample : int, default=10 Number of resampling iterations to run between collecting samples. return_samples : bool, default=False Whether to store and return sampled syllable sequences. May require significant RAM. verbose : bool, default=False Whether to print progress updates. parallel_message_passing : bool | string, default=None, Use parallel implementation of Kalman sampling, which can be faster but has a significantly longer jit time. If None, will be set automatically based on the backend (True for GPU, False for CPU). A warning will be raised if `parallel_message_passing=True` and JAX is CPU-bound. Set to 'force' to skip this check. location_aware : bool, default=False If True, the model will be fit using the location-aware version of the keypoint-SLDS model (`jax_moseq.models.allo_keypoint_slds`). Returns ------- marginal_estimates : dict Estimated marginal distributions over syllables in the form of a dictionary mapping recoriding names to arrays of shape ``(num_timepoints, num_syllables)``. samples : dict Sampled syllable sequences in the form of a dictionary mapping recording names to arrays of shape ``(num_samples, num_timepoints)``. Only returned if `return_samples=True`. """ parallel_message_passing = _set_parallel_flag(parallel_message_passing) data = jax.device_put(data) model = init_model( data=data, seed=model["seed"], params=model["params"], hypparams=model["hypparams"], **kwargs, ) num_syllables = model["hypparams"]["trans_hypparams"]["num_states"] marginal_estimates = np.zeros((*model["states"]["z"].shape, num_syllables)) samples = [] if location_aware: resample_func = allo_keypoint_slds.resample_model else: resample_func = keypoint_slds.resample_model total_iters = burn_in_iters + num_samples * steps_per_sample with tqdm.trange(total_iters, desc="Applying model", ncols=72) as pbar: for iteration in pbar: try: model = _wrapped_resample( resample_func, data, model, pbar=pbar, states_only=True, verbose=verbose, parallel_message_passing=parallel_message_passing, ) except StopResampling: break if ( iteration >= burn_in_iters and (iteration - burn_in_iters) % steps_per_sample == 0 ): marginal_estimates += np.array( stateseq_marginals( model["states"]["x"], data["mask"], **model["params"] ) ) if return_samples: samples.append(np.array(model["states"]["z"])) nlags = get_nlags(model["params"]["Ab"]) keys, bounds = metadata bounds = bounds + np.array([nlags, 0]) marginal_estimates = unbatch(marginal_estimates / num_samples, keys, bounds) marginal_estimates = { k: np.pad(v[nlags:], ((nlags, 0), (0, 0)), mode="edge") for k, v in marginal_estimates.items() } if return_samples: samples = unbatch(np.moveaxis(samples, 0, 2), keys, bounds) samples = { k: np.pad(v[nlags:], ((nlags, 0), (0, 0)), mode="edge") for k, v in samples.items() } return marginal_estimates, samples else: return marginal_estimates
[docs] def update_hypparams(model_dict, **kwargs): """Edit the hyperparameters of a model. Hyperparameters are stored as a nested dictionary in the `hypparams` key of the model dictionary. This function allows the user to update the hyperparameters of a model by passing in keyword arguments with the same name as the hyperparameter. The hyperparameter will be updated if it is a scalar value. Parameters ---------- model_dict : dict Model dictionary. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments mapping hyperparameter names to new values. Returns ------- model_dict : dict Model dictionary with updated hyperparameters. """ assert "hypparams" in model_dict, fill( "The inputted model/checkpoint does not contain any hyperparams" ) not_updated = list(kwargs.keys()) for hypparms_group in model_dict["hypparams"]: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in model_dict["hypparams"][hypparms_group]: old_value = model_dict["hypparams"][hypparms_group][k] if not np.isscalar(old_value): print( fill( f"{k} cannot be updated since it is not a scalar hyperparam" ) ) else: if not isinstance(v, type(old_value)): warnings.warn( f"'{k}' with {type(v)} will be cast to {type(old_value)}" ) model_dict["hypparams"][hypparms_group][k] = type(old_value)(v) not_updated.remove(k) if len(not_updated) > 0: warnings.warn(fill(f"The following hypparams were not found {not_updated}")) return model_dict
[docs] def expected_marginal_likelihoods( project_dir=None, model_names=None, checkpoint_paths=None ): """Calculate the expected marginal likelihood score for each model. The score is calculated as follows, where $\theta^{(i)}$ denotes the autoregressive parameters and transition matrix for the i'th model, $x^{(i)}$ denotes the latent trajectories for the i'th model, and the number of models iss $N$ .. math:: \text{score}(\theta^{(i)}) = \frac{1}{(N-1)} \sum_{j \neq i} P(x^{(j)} | \theta^{(i)})$ Parameters ---------- project_dir : str Path to the project directory. Required if ``checkpoint_paths`` is None. model_names : list of str Names of the models to compare. Required if ``checkpoint_paths`` is None. checkpoint_paths : list of str Paths to the checkpoints to compare. Required if ``model_names`` and ``project_dir`` are None. Returns ------- scores : numpy array Expected marginal likelihood score for each model. standard_errors : numpy array Standard error of the expected marginal likelihood score for each model. """ if checkpoint_paths is None: assert project_dir is not None and model_names is not None, fill( "Must provide either `checkpoint_paths` or `project_dir` and `model_names`" ) checkpoint_paths = [ os.path.join(project_dir, model_name, "checkpoint.h5") for model_name in model_names ] xs, params = [], [] for checkpoint_path in checkpoint_paths: model, data, _, _ = load_checkpoint(path=checkpoint_path) xs.append(model["states"]["x"]) params.append(model["params"]) num_models = len(xs) mlls = np.zeros((num_models, num_models)) for i in tqdm.trange(num_models, ncols=72): for j in range(num_models): if i != j: mlls[i, j] = marginal_log_likelihood( jnp.array(data["mask"]), jnp.array(xs[j]), jnp.array(params[i]["Ab"]), jnp.array(params[i]["Q"]), jnp.array(params[i]["pi"]), ).item() scores = mlls.sum(1) / (num_models - 1) variances = (mlls**2).sum(1) / (num_models - 1) - scores**2 standard_errors = np.sqrt(variances / (num_models - 1)) return scores, standard_errors