Source code for keypoint_moseq.calibration

import numpy as np
import tqdm
import os
from textwrap import fill
from import OpenCVReader
from import update_config
from keypoint_moseq.util import find_matching_videos, get_edges

[docs] def sample_error_frames( confidences, bodyparts, use_bodyparts, num_bins=10, num_samples=100, conf_pseudocount=1e-3, ): """Randomly sample frames, enriching for those with low confidence keypoint detections. Parameters ---------- confidences: dict Keypoint detection confidences for a collection of recordings bodyparts: list Label for each keypoint represented in `confidences` use_bodyparts: list Ordered subset of keypoint labels to be used for modeling num_bins: int, default=10 Number of bins to use for enriching low-confidence keypoint detections. Confidence values for all used keypoints are divided into log-spaced bins and an equal number of instances are sampled from each bin. num_samples: int, default=100 Total number of frames to sample conf_pseudocount: float, default=1e-3 Pseudocount used to augment keypoint confidences. Returns ------- sample_keys: list of tuples List of sampled frames as tuples with format (key, frame_number, bodypart) """ confidences = {k: v + conf_pseudocount for k, v in confidences.items()} all_confs = np.concatenate([v.flatten() for v in confidences.values()]) min_conf, max_conf = np.nanmin(all_confs), np.nanmax(all_confs) thresholds = np.logspace(np.log10(min_conf), np.log10(max_conf), num_bins) mask = np.array([bp in use_bodyparts for bp in bodyparts])[None, :] sample_keys = [] for low, high in zip(thresholds[:-1], thresholds[1:]): samples_in_bin = [] for key, confs in confidences.items(): for t, k in zip(*np.nonzero((confs >= low) * (confs < high) * mask)): samples_in_bin.append((key, t, bodyparts[k])) if len(samples_in_bin) > 0: n = min(num_samples // num_bins, len(samples_in_bin)) for i in np.random.choice(len(samples_in_bin), n, replace=False): sample_keys.append(samples_in_bin[i]) sample_keys = [sample_keys[i] for i in np.random.permutation(len(sample_keys))] return sample_keys
[docs] def load_sampled_frames( sample_keys, video_dir, video_extension=None, downsample_rate=1 ): """Load sampled frames from a directory of videos. Parameters ---------- sample_keys: list of tuples List of sampled frames as tuples with format (key, frame_number, bodypart) video_dir: str Path to directory containing videos video_extension: str, default=None Preferred video extension (passed to :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.util.find_matching_videos`) downsample_rate: int, default=1 Downsampling rate for the video frames. Only change if keypoint detections were also downsampled. Returns ------- sample_keys: dict Dictionary mapping elements from `sample_keys` to the corresponding videos frames. """ keys = sorted(set([k[0] for k in sample_keys])) videos = find_matching_videos(keys, video_dir) key_to_video = dict(zip(keys, videos)) readers = {key: OpenCVReader(video) for key, video in zip(keys, videos)} pbar = tqdm.tqdm( sample_keys, desc="Loading sample frames", position=0, leave=True, ncols=72, ) return { (key, frame, bodypart): readers[key][frame * downsample_rate] for key, frame, bodypart in pbar }
[docs] def load_annotations(project_dir): """Reload saved calibration annotations. Parameters ---------- project_dir: str Load annotations from `{project_dir}/error_annotations.csv` Returns ------- annotations: dict Dictionary mapping sample keys to annotated keypoint coordinates. (See :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.calibration.sample_error_frames` for format of sample keys) """ annotations = {} annotations_path = os.path.join(project_dir, "error_annotations.csv") if os.path.exists(annotations_path): for l in open(annotations_path, "r").read().split("\n")[1:]: key, frame, bodypart, x, y = l.split(",") sample_key = (key, int(frame), bodypart) annotations[sample_key] = (float(x), float(y)) return annotations
[docs] def save_annotations(project_dir, annotations): """Save calibration annotations to a csv file. Parameters ---------- project_dir: str Save annotations to `{project_dir}/error_annotations.csv` annotations: dict Dictionary mapping sample keys to annotated keypoint coordinates. (See :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.calibration.sample_error_frames` for format of sample keys) """ output = ["key,frame,bodypart,x,y"] for (key, frame, bodypart), (x, y) in annotations.items(): output.append(f"{key},{frame},{bodypart},{x},{y}") path = os.path.join(project_dir, "error_annotations.csv") open(path, "w").write("\n".join(output)) print(fill(f"Annotations saved to {path}"))
[docs] def save_params(project_dir, estimator): """Save config parameters learned via calibration. Parameters ---------- project_dir: str Save parameters `{project_dir}/config.yml` estimator: :py:func:`holoviews.streams.Stream` Stream object with fields `conf_threshold`, `slope`, `intercept` """ update_config( project_dir, conf_threshold=float(estimator.conf_threshold), slope=float(estimator.slope), intercept=float(estimator.intercept), )
def _confs_and_dists_from_annotations(coordinates, confidences, annotations, bodyparts): confs, dists = [], [] for (key, frame, bodypart), xy in annotations.items(): if key in coordinates and key in confidences: k = bodyparts.index(bodypart) confs.append(confidences[key][frame][k]) dists.append( np.sqrt(((coordinates[key][frame][k] - np.array(xy)) ** 2).sum()) ) return confs, dists def _noise_calibration_widget( project_dir, coordinates, confidences, sample_keys, sample_images, annotations, *, keypoint_colormap, bodyparts, skeleton, error_estimator, conf_threshold, **kwargs, ): from scipy.stats import linregress from holoviews.streams import Tap, Stream import holoviews as hv import panel as pn from bokeh.models import GlyphRenderer, ImageRGBA, Scatter, GraphRenderer hv.extension("bokeh") max_height = np.max([sample_images[k].shape[0] for k in sample_keys]) max_width = np.max([sample_images[k].shape[1] for k in sample_keys]) edges = np.array(get_edges(bodyparts, skeleton)) conf_vals = np.hstack([v.flatten() for v in confidences.values()]) min_conf, max_conf = np.nanpercentile(conf_vals, 0.01), np.nanmax(conf_vals) annotations_stream = Stream.define("Annotations", annotations=annotations)() current_sample = Stream.define("Current sample", sample_ix=0)() estimator = Stream.define( "Estimator", slope=float(error_estimator["slope"]), intercept=float(error_estimator["intercept"]), conf_threshold=float(conf_threshold), )() img_tap = Tap(transient=True) vline_tap = Tap(transient=True) def update_scatter(x, y, annotations): confs, dists = _confs_and_dists_from_annotations( coordinates, confidences, annotations, bodyparts ) log_dists = np.log10(np.array(dists) + 1) log_confs = np.log10(np.maximum(confs, min_conf)) max_dist = np.log10(np.sqrt(max_height**2 + max_width**2) + 1) xspan = np.log10(max_conf) - np.log10(min_conf) xlim = ( np.log10(min_conf) - xspan / 10, np.log10(max_conf) + xspan / 10, ) ylim = (-max_dist / 50, max_dist) if len(log_dists) > 1: m, b = linregress(log_confs, log_dists)[:2] estimator.event(slope=m, intercept=b) else: m, b = estimator.slope, estimator.intercept if x is None: x = np.log10(conf_threshold) else: estimator.event(conf_threshold=10**x) passing_percent = (conf_vals > 10**x).mean() * 100 scatter = hv.Scatter(zip(log_confs, log_dists)).opts( color="k", size=6, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, axiswise=True, frame_width=250, default_tools=[], ) curve = hv.Curve([(xlim[0], xlim[0] * m + b), (xlim[1], xlim[1] * m + b)]).opts( xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, axiswise=True, default_tools=[] ) vline_label = hv.Text( x - (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) / 50, ylim[1] - (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) / 100, f"confidence\nthreshold\n{10**x:.5f}\n({passing_percent:.1f}%)", ).opts( axiswise=True, text_align="right", text_baseline="top", text_font_size="8pt", default_tools=[], ) vline = hv.VLine(x).opts( axiswise=True, line_dash="dashed", color="lightgray", default_tools=[], ) return (scatter * curve * vline * vline_label).opts( toolbar=None, default_tools=[], xlabel="log10(confidence)", ylabel="log10(error)", ) def enforce_z_order_hook(plot, element): bokeh_figure = plot.state graph, scatter, rgb = None, None, None for r in bokeh_figure.renderers: if isinstance(r, GlyphRenderer): if isinstance(r.glyph, ImageRGBA): rgb = r if isinstance(r.glyph, Scatter): scatter = r if isinstance(r, GraphRenderer): graph = r bokeh_figure.renderers = [rgb, graph, scatter] def update_img(sample_ix, x, y): key, frame, bodypart = sample_key = sample_keys[sample_ix] image = sample_images[sample_key] h, w = image.shape[:2] keypoint_ix = bodyparts.index(bodypart) xys = coordinates[key][frame].copy() crop_size = np.sqrt(((xys - xys[keypoint_ix]) ** 2).sum(1)).max() * 2.5 xys[:, 1] = h - xys[:, 1] masked_nodes = np.nonzero(~np.isnan(xys).any(1))[0] confs = confidences[key][frame] if x and y: annotations_stream.annotations.update({sample_key: (x, h - y)}) annotations_stream.event() if sample_key in annotations_stream.annotations: point = np.array(annotations_stream.annotations[sample_key]) point[1] = h - point[1] else: point = xys[keypoint_ix] colorvals = np.linspace(0, 1, len(bodyparts)) pt_data = np.append(point, colorvals[keypoint_ix])[None] hv_point = hv.Points(pt_data, vdims=["bodypart"]).opts( color="bodypart", cmap="autumn", size=15, framewise=True, marker="x", line_width=3, ) label = f"{bodypart}, confidence = {confs[keypoint_ix]:.5f}" rgb = hv.RGB(image, bounds=(0, 0, w, h), label=label).opts( framewise=True, xaxis="bare", yaxis="bare", frame_width=250 ) xlim = ( xys[keypoint_ix, 0] - crop_size / 2, xys[keypoint_ix, 0] + crop_size / 2, ) ylim = ( xys[keypoint_ix, 1] - crop_size / 2, xys[keypoint_ix, 1] + crop_size / 2, ) edge_data = ((), (), ()) if len(edges) > 0: masked_edges = edges[np.isin(edges, masked_nodes).all(1)] if len(masked_edges) > 0: edge_data = (*masked_edges.T, colorvals[masked_edges[:, 0]]) sizes = np.where(np.arange(len(xys)) == keypoint_ix, 10, 6)[masked_nodes] masked_bodyparts = [bodyparts[i] for i in masked_nodes] nodes = hv.Nodes( (*xys[masked_nodes].T, masked_nodes, masked_bodyparts, sizes), vdims=["name", "size"], ) graph = hv.Graph((edge_data, nodes), vdims="ecolor").opts( node_color="name", node_cmap=keypoint_colormap, tools=[], edge_color="ecolor", edge_cmap=keypoint_colormap, node_size="size", ) return (rgb * graph * hv_point).opts( data_aspect=1, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, toolbar=None, hooks=[enforce_z_order_hook], ) def update_estimator_text(*, slope, intercept, conf_threshold): lines = [ f"slope: {slope:.6f}", f"intercept: {intercept:.6f}", f"conf_threshold: {conf_threshold:.6f}", ] estimator_textbox.value = "<br>".join(lines) prev_button = pn.widgets.Button(name="\u25c0", width=50, align="center") next_button = pn.widgets.Button(name="\u25b6", width=50, align="center") save_button = pn.widgets.Button(name="Save", width=100, align="center") estimator_textbox = pn.widgets.StaticText(align="center") def next_sample(event): if current_sample.sample_ix < len(sample_keys) - 1: current_sample.event(sample_ix=int(current_sample.sample_ix) + 1) def prev_sample(event): if current_sample.sample_ix > 0: current_sample.event(sample_ix=int(current_sample.sample_ix) - 1) def save_all(event): save_annotations(project_dir, annotations_stream.annotations) save_params(project_dir, estimator) prev_button.on_click(prev_sample) next_button.on_click(next_sample) save_button.on_click(save_all) estimator.add_subscriber(update_estimator_text) estimator.event() img_dmap = hv.DynamicMap( update_img, streams=[current_sample, img_tap], ).opts(framewise=True) scatter_dmap = hv.DynamicMap( update_scatter, streams=[annotations_stream, vline_tap], ).opts(framewise=True, axiswise=True) controls = pn.Row( prev_button, next_button, pn.Spacer(width=50), save_button, pn.Spacer(width=50), estimator_textbox, ) plots = pn.Row(img_dmap, scatter_dmap) return pn.Column(controls, plots)
[docs] def noise_calibration( project_dir, coordinates, confidences, *, bodyparts, use_bodyparts, video_dir, video_extension=None, conf_pseudocount=0.001, downsample_rate=1, **kwargs, ): """Perform manual annotation to calibrate the relationship between keypoint error and neural network confidence. This function creates a widget for interactive annotation in jupyter lab. Users mark correct keypoint locations for a sequence of frames, and a regression line is fit to the `log(confidence), log(error)` pairs obtained through annotation. The regression coefficients are used during modeling to set a prior on the noise level for each keypoint on each frame. Follow these steps to use the widget: - After executing this function, a widget should appear with a video frame in the center. - Annotate the labeled bodypart in each frame by left-clicking at the correct location. An "X" should appear there. - Use the arrow buttons to annotate additional frames. - Each annotation adds a point to the right-hand scatter plot. Continue until the regression line stabilizes. - At any point, adjust the confidence threshold by clicking on the scatter plot. The confidence threshold is used to define outlier keypoints for PCA and model initialization. - Use the "save" button to store your annotations to disk and save `slope`, `intercept`, and `confidence_threshold` to the config. Parameters ---------- project_dir: str Project directory. Must contain a `config.yml` file. coordinates: dict Keypoint coordinates for a collection of recordings. Values must be numpy arrays of shape (T,K,2) where K is the number of keypoints. Keys can be any unique str, but must start with the name of a videofile in `video_dir`. confidences: dict Nonnegative confidence values for the keypoints in `coordinates` as numpy arrays of shape (T,K). bodyparts: list Label for each keypoint represented in `coordinates` use_bodyparts: list Ordered subset of keypoint labels to be used for modeling video_dir: str Path to directory containing videos. Each video should correspond to a key in `coordinates`. The key must contain the videoname as a prefix. video_extension: str, default=None Preferred video extension (used in :py:func:`keypoint_moseq.util.find_matching_videos`) conf_pseudocount: float, default=0.001 Pseudocount added to confidence values to avoid log(0) errors. downsample_rate: int, default=1 Downsampling rate for the video frames. Only change if keypoint detections were also downsampled. """ dim = list(coordinates.values())[0].shape[-1] assert dim == 2, "Calibration is only supported for 2D keypoints." confidences = {k: v + conf_pseudocount for k, v in confidences.items()} sample_keys = sample_error_frames(confidences, bodyparts, use_bodyparts) annotations = load_annotations(project_dir) sample_keys.extend(annotations.keys()) sample_images = load_sampled_frames( sample_keys, video_dir, video_extension, downsample_rate ) return _noise_calibration_widget( project_dir, coordinates, confidences, sample_keys, sample_images, annotations, bodyparts=bodyparts, **kwargs, )